Don’t Waste Your Life: The Importance of Bold, Faith-Filled Action
April 28, 2020
I don’t have much use for success gurus, but one idea from Tony Robbins that I heard years ago stuck with me. When asked the secret of change, he talks about taking “massive action.” We often don’t achieve our dreams, he claims, because we’re too half-hearted and timid about pursuing them. We think about what […]
The Annunciation: When Freedom and Love Were One
March 25, 2020
Excerpt from Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s book, The World’s First Love. The modern age, which gives primacy to sex, justifies promiscuity and divorce on the grounds that love is by its nature free—which, indeed, it is. All love is free love, in a certain sense. To be devoid of love is of the essence of hell. […]
Boredom, Isolation, & the Internet: The Perfect Storm
February 17, 2020
Tom was noticeably upset as he described his frustration with pornography use. It seemed that every day at work he would end up going online and viewing pornography. No matter what he tried, he always seemed to fall into the same pattern. For Tom, the root causes of his internet porn use were boredom, isolation, […]
Podcast Ep. 2: Hope and Healing from Pornography Addiction with Dr. Peter Kleponis
January 24, 2020
Pornography addiction is an uncomfortable topic, and many would rather ignore its prevalence. But in a world where over half of men regularly look at pornography at least once per week, ignoring it would be foolish. It is causing real harm to individuals, marriages, and families and crippling men’s ability to lead as they desire […]
Conviction: Where God’s Love and Mercy Intersect
January 9, 2020
Marty has a strong belief in God; however, he struggled to understand God’s unconditional love for him. Marty’s struggle with pornography addiction left him feeling worthless and unlovable, especially in God’s eyes. For Marty, a large part of recovery is understanding how God can be both just and merciful. This is a struggle I find […]