12 Ways to Become a Committed Catholic Man

October 27, 2014
There is a Catholic “man-crisis.” Large numbers of men who were baptized Catholic have left the Church and the majority of those who remain are “Casual Catholic Men”, men who do not know the Catholic faith and don’t practice it. This large-scale failure of Catholic men to commit themselves to Jesus Christ and His Church […]

5 Ways to Practice Conversion

October 15, 2014
Be converted, the kingdom of God is at hand. These are the first world we hear from the lips of Our Blessed Savior as He initiates His Public ministry. Conversion in Greek is Metanoia, meaning change of heart. The core of the teaching of the Precursor of Jesus, St. John the Baptist, was the same, […]

Today: Prayer Rally for Purity

July 1, 2014
Of all the problems faced in today’s culture, one of the most devastating is rampant impurity. Pornography is ubiquitous, children are sexually active, TV and movies are filled with explicit scenes, the contraceptive mentality reigns, and the list goes on. And despite popular opinion to the contrary, these sins are never private. How we think about sex […]

Spiritual Combat: A Call to Arms

May 22, 2014
“Fight or die.” – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli Perhaps one of the greatest temptations in the Catholic life is that of complacency. We go through the motions, attending Mass on Sunday and maybe going to a parish program or two, but the Faith never really penetrates deep into our souls. It remains a superficial reality; just […]

The Essential Role of the Father

February 10, 2014
Divorce rates skyrocketing; adultery rampant; non-married cohabitating couples; children abandoned by their fathers or mothers; “same-sex unions” adopting children and calling this the “modern family”; pornography invading homes, leading to powerful addictions and total alienation from other members of the family: all of this is a bird’s eye view of the family situation in the modern […]

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