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Men, you are up against the world, the flesh, and the devil. The average coffee and donut group won’t cut it. Our membership gives you a concrete guide to holiness and a life worth living!
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The Virtue of Magnanimity
February 4, 2025
One does not wake up one day and suddenly be great. Greatness or magnanimity is a virtue talked about by St. Thomas Aquinas that can be developed. Here are five concrete ways to grow in this virtue.
Pornography and Marriage: Eight Myths
January 28, 2025
There are many misconceptions and myths about pornography use and marriage that need to be dispelled in order to heal many marriages and relationships. Let's get to the bottom of this sin and addiction that plagues our world today.
Why Sports Are More than “Just a Game”
January 21, 2025
Sports have the function of giving young men the opportunity to develop the virtues necessary in becoming strong Catholic men. Sports can give us men a real chance of cementing these character strengths into their person long after the season is over. These virtues are Diligence, Discipline, Sacrifice, Focus, and Courage.
The Virtue of Magnanimity
February 4, 2025
One does not wake up one day and suddenly be great. Greatness or magnanimity is a virtue talked about by St. Thomas Aquinas that can be developed. Here are five concrete ways to grow in this virtue.
Pornography and Marriage: Eight Myths
January 28, 2025
There are many misconceptions and myths about pornography use and marriage that need to be dispelled in order to heal many marriages and relationships. Let's get to the bottom of this sin and addiction that plagues our world today.
Why Sports Are More than “Just a Game”
January 21, 2025
Sports have the function of giving young men the opportunity to develop the virtues necessary in becoming strong Catholic men. Sports can give us men a real chance of cementing these character strengths into their person long after the season is over. These virtues are Diligence, Discipline, Sacrifice, Focus, and Courage.
February 6, 2025
URGENT: Political and Global Masculinity Crisis: Both the Left & Right Agree
Today we address a great conversation that occurred on the Diary of a CEO debating the economic effects of Trump's election. The conversation quickly turned into the global crisis of masculinity today and the commentators found themselves unexpectedly on common grounds. John Heinen and Devin Schadt listen and respond to clips from atheist Scott Galloway, agnostic Konstantin Kisin, Daniel Priestly, and Steven Bartlett as they try and make worldly sense of what it means to be a man. We discuss the overwhelming large global issue that occurs when masculinity is denied, Trump's view of masculinity, why men need a code of life, and how to raise sons in times like these.
January 29, 2025
How to Discuss Sex with Your Wife
John Heinen and Devin Schadt discuss how to have meaningful conversations with your wife about sex. This is not an issue to take lightly and one that has caused the downfall of countless marriages. Sex has the ability to make a marriage great and holy, yet how often does it become an obstacle to true love and unity? Today, we talk about 7 points that are necessary to have beneficial communication with your wife on this issue. Most couples find this topic challenging to have, and since great marriages do not happen by accident, we want to provide you with tools to make this area of your marriage a place to grow in love and holiness. God has ordained this sacrament as the closest sign in the world of the mystery of Christ's love for His Church. Therefore, men, we must do our part to better live this out.
January 22, 2025
How the Most Successful People Self-Destruct
In this episode, John Heinen and Devin Schadt explore the common patterns of self-destruction among celebrities in both secular and religious spheres. They delve into 4 prevalent idols for men and the 4-step process that often leads to shame and public downfall. Through showcasing high-profile cases like Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, Heath Ledger, Whitney Houston, and Fr. John Corapi, the hosts explain striking similarities in their paths to ruin. Drawing from Scripture, they offer insights on how listeners might identify and address similar idols in their own lives, providing a thought-provoking and cautionary discussion on the dangers of misplaced worship.
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