Episode 05

Traditional Vs. Modern Church Architecture

April 6, 2021



Episode 05: Traditional Vs. Modern Church Architecture

In this edition of The Catholic Gentleman, John and Sam are joined by Rafael Morales to discuss sacred architecture.

• Is traditional church design greater than modern?
• What makes a Church beautiful?
• How is the sense of the sacred built into churches?
• Do ugly churches undermine the faith?
• and much more.

Rafael Morales – May be reached at rmorales@jacksonryan.com
Podcast – Beauty Ever New – https://beautyevernew.com

Architects men should know:
Book recommendation: Brunelleschi’s Dome by Ross King. Click Here

Antoni Gaudi
Book recommendation: Gaudi: A Biography by Gijs van Hensbergen. Click Here

Ralph Adam’s Cram
Book recommendation: The Architecture of Ralph Adams Cram and His Office. Click Here

Four buildings men should know:
• Pantheon / Parthenon
• Notre Dame de Paris and or Chartres Cathedral
• San Giorgio Maggiore
• Sagrada Familia

About the Podcast The Catholic Gentleman Podcast

A Podcast for Catholic Men on Faith, Virtue, and the World Today

The Catholic Gentleman is a show for Catholic Men on the topics of living with virtue and holiness in the modern world. Featuring interviews and commentary, the show seeks to provide practical insights for men of all ages.


Reader Interactions


  1. Ken Shields says

    Excellent podcast! Really enjoyed Rafael’s expertise and his insight on what a Catholic Church should look like and what it should feel like. My thoughts and feelings exactly!
    To see an example of the modern church design that is so wrong, look up St. Francis De Sales church in Muskegon, MI. Impressive architectural design, but does not evoke the sacred as a Catholic Church should. A very cold structure.
    With a traditional Catholic Church, I’ve always felt a “warmth” when stepping inside that speaks to the fact that you have entered a right place. Home.

  2. Louis A, Shapiro says

    Thank you for the work you do. I just wanted to let you know about our upcoming Pro-Life Democrat Convention on July 30 and 31. Now that both houses of Congress are controlled by the main Democratic Party, which supports legal abortion; and our President, in opposition to the Catholic Church he professes to be a member of, also supports legal abortion; and the Republican Party, which proclaims to be Pro-Life, is weak in California and is the minority party in Washington; so who is left to politically defend the unborn? We, Democrats-for-Life, are planning a Convention at Loyola-Marymount University, Los Angeles. We need speakers, donors, sponsors, volunteers, as well as attendants. Abortion shouldn’t even be on any party’s platform where “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” are the guiding principles America is founded on! Please spread the word about what we want to do and let me know who is interested in helping us. Democrats-for-Life is a national organization but the California chapter is very loosely organized. Technically we want to be accessible through the internet. A lot depends on the Covid-19 situation in July. We want to join other Democrats and Pro-Life voters across the country who do not want abortion in our party platform. Please keep us in your prayers.

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About the Podcast The Catholic Gentleman Podcast

A Podcast for Catholic Men on Faith, Virtue, and the World Today

The Catholic Gentleman is a show for Catholic Men on the topics of living with virtue and holiness in the modern world. Featuring interviews and commentary, the show seeks to provide practical insights for men of all ages.