A blog for Catholic men that seeks to encourage virtue, the pursuit of holiness and the art of true masculinity.
Devin chopped some wood, but the logs are too large for his wood-burning stove.
As he starts hacking away again, he realizes there’s a lesson here for our spiritual lives.
In this episode of “Real FundaMENtals,” you’ll learn:
– Why trying to do too much at once will cause you to fail.
– Specific steps to take now to start building good habits.
– How to tell if you’re wet wood.
The Catholic Gentleman is pleased to partner with Devin Schadt, Director of Fathers of St. Joseph, to help men actually connect their daily lives with how God is speaking to them. He is always there if we have eyes to see.
The Fathers of St. Joseph is a confraternity of men who follow the timeless wisdom and example of the man who was father to the Son and son of the Father, St. Joseph.