[…] How to Pray in Five Manageable Steps: The Catholic Gentleman continues its Lent preparation series with a post on prayer. […]
A blog for Catholic men that seeks to encourage virtue, the pursuit of holiness and the art of true masculinity.
Today, we continue our series on how to prepare for a good Lent by focusing on the first of the three pillars: prayer.
“Virtues are formed by prayer. Prayer preserves temperance. Prayer suppresses anger. Prayer prevents emotions of pride and envy. Prayer draws into the soul the Holy Spirit, and raises man to Heaven.” – St. Ephrem of Syria
Other than professional athletes genuflecting and pointing to the sky after a touchdown, when is the last time you associated manhood with prayer? Honestly, the only time most men pray is when they are in imminent danger or in desperate need of some kind. The rest of the time, they leave praying to the grandmas who attend daily mass.
Yet, this is entirely the wrong attitude. Courageous knights of ages past were not ashamed to kneel in front of the altar, or to dedicate themselves to the service of Jesus and Mary in prayer (check out this post for some knightly spirituality). Real men pray. Let’s talk about why.
Prayer is the breath of the spiritual life. Without it, your soul suffocates and dies. That’s why Jesus and the great saints of the Church were so urgent in their calls for us to pray always and everywhere. St. Paul commanded us to “pray without ceasing.” Jesus taught us to “pray always and not lose heart.”
In fact, prayer is so important that St. Alphonsus Ligori says, “Whoever prays is certainly saved. He who does not is certainly damned.” Let that sink in.
Prayer is so important because, whether or not we realize it, we are essentially beggars before God. Everything we need to be virtuous men has to be given to us. We will never be holy without grace, and there is no other way to obtain grace than through prayer.
Do you need courage? Ask for it. Do you need humility? Ask for it. Do you need to be pure in a world filled with temptation? Ask for it. Are you trying to overcome an explosive temper? Ask for patience. If you don’t ask, you won’t receive— it’s that simple.
Our Lent will be completely wasted if we aren’t praying. Fasting and almsgiving will simply become sources of pride if we aren’t approaching them prayerfully. No matter what else you are planning to do for Lent, prayer should be first on the list.
Maybe you want to build prayer into your Lent as well as your daily life, but you don’t know how. It seems so hard to sit still for even 15 minutes and pray. Even if you manage it, you’re not always sure what to say.
I understand because I struggle with the same problems. Prayer, like anything that is worth doing, is hard. Nevertheless, here are some tips based on the writings of the saints that will help us to pray.
1. Keep it simple – Prayer is paradoxical in that the more you say, the more difficult it is to mean what you say. Keep your prayer simple, and mean every word. The Our Father, the perfect prayer, is seven simple petitions. Many of the early monks would even pray by repeating one word or phrase, such as the name of Jesus. If you spent 5 minutes saying “Jesus” over and over with love, it would be far more profitable than endlessly reading prayers from a prayer book coldly and mindlessly.
2. Just do it – The saints tell us that the best way to learn to pray is by praying. A distance runner doesn’t begin running ultramarathons over night. He begins with shorter distances and builds over time. So too with prayer. It doesn’t matter if you don’t feel like you are accomplishing anything, or how many times you try to pray and fail. It doesn’t matter how many distractions you have to fight. We have to keep showing up, day after day or we will never learn to pray. Simply asking like the disciples, “Teach us to pray,” is a great prayer to start with.
3. Intentional time – Monastics through the centuries have had specific hours set aside for prayer. While most of us probably can’t pray seven times a day like they do, we should build prayer into our daily routine. If we don’t, it’s never going to happen. I recommend praying 3 times a day: morning, noon, and night. In the morning, offer your day to God and ask for the graces you need. At noon, renew this offering of your day and ask for help to persevere in virtue. At night, review your day and confess your sins. Ask for forgiveness and give thanks for the blessings you have received. Again, if you aren’t intentional about prayer, it is never going to happen.
4. Acknowledge the need – A lot of us don’t pray because we are self-satisfied. Like the Pharisees of Jesus’ day, we think we have everything we need, and we view prayer as a favor we pay to God. That’s why we don’t want to do it. In reality, though, we are like the blind beggar Bartimaeus in the Gospels, completely helpless and needy. Like him, we should recognize our helplessness, and call out, “Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me!” We should examine ourselves and spend some time recognizing our own weaknesses. Not only will this make us more humble, it will inspire us to call for help— which is one of the best ways to begin praying.
5. Patience – If you’re expecting to become a great mystic like St. John of the Cross overnight, you’re delusional. Even if you are praying for something specific, like a virtue or a temporal need, God hardly ever answers us immediately. If he did, we’d start to think of him as a heavenly vending machine, dispensing our every desire when we press the right buttons. No, God wants us to be patient and persevere in prayer. Like the widow in Scripture who harassed the judge until he granted her desire, harass God in a good way, asking for what you need until you get it.
Volumes have been written about prayer, and I’m just scratching the surface in this post. The point is, prayer isn’t optional. You’re going to waste your Lent— and your life— if you aren’t praying. Get serious about it and make it a part of your daily life starting this Lent. It’s the way to virtue, holiness, and communion with our Heavenly Father.
What are your greatest struggles in prayer? How are you planning to pray more this Lent?
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[…] How to Pray in Five Manageable Steps: The Catholic Gentleman continues its Lent preparation series with a post on prayer. […]
[…] more on prayer, particularly from a man’s point of view, read this post from The Catholic […]
[…] Pray – Let’s face it, we can all pray more, and Lent is a great time to plan and implement a daily prayer rule that can guide […]
[…] Pray – Let’s face it, we can all pray more, and Lent is a great time to plan and implement a daily prayer rule that can guide you the rest […]
[…] pray more, and Lent is a great time to plan and implement a daily prayer rule that can guide you the rest of the year. During this season, however, we should especially focus our prayers on repentance and contrition for our sins. Here are some suggestions for Lenten prayer. The Prayer of ManassehThe Seven Pentitential Psalms The Sorrowful Mysteries of the RosaryThe Stations of the Cross The Divine Mercy ChapletPrayer before a Crucifix 6. Fast – I’ve written before about the importance of prayer and fasting, so suffice it to say that it is something we should be doing all year round, not just during Lent. Still, Lent is a very good time to refocus our efforts and renew our commitment. We should especially focus on fasting from things related to our predominant sins. Are you addicted to Instagram or Facebook? Fast from them. Maybe you’re binge watching shows on Netflix. Give it up. On the other hand, maybe you’re addicted to criticizing others. Make a special effort to fast from negative speech. The point is, while fasting from certain foods is an excellent ascetical practice, we do not have to limit our lenten fasting to things we eat. Remember the words of Jesus: “If your eye offends you, pluck it out.” Nothing should stand between us and the heavenly kingdom, and we should be intentional about cutting off those things that are causing us to sin. 7. Give alms – During Lent, we especially remember the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. This is the greatest act of generosity in history, for Jesus died not just for his friends, but for his enemies. “God shows his love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). The generosity of God in Christ should impel us to be generous and merciful to others, especially those poor and in need.This Lent, find a way to give, whether it is supporting a religious order or helping at a homeless shelter. Remember the promise of Jesus, “And whoever gives to one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he shall not lose his reward.” […]
[…] pray more, and Lent is a great time to plan and implement a daily prayer rule that can guide you the rest of the year. During this season, however, we should especially focus our prayers on repentance and contrition for our sins. Here are some suggestions for Lenten prayer. […]
[…] Pray – Let’s face it, we can all pray more, and Lent is a great time to plan and implement a daily prayer rule that can guide you the rest […]
[…] Pray – Let’s face it, we can all pray more, and Lent is a great time to plan and implement a daily prayer rule that can guide you the rest […]
john spizziri says
“you’re going to waste your Lent…” great passage.
Catholic4Life says
Reblogged this on Catholic4Life.
blackbart2013 says
This is the good news we need to start off right this Lent. Yes, we need to first pray and then keep working on each day to make it a part of our lives. No better time to start than now..
Matthew says
“If you don’t ask, you won’t receive— it’s that simple.” seems rather intense brother man. Was Saul asking to get knocked off his horse? No (well… maybe by his actions), but God gave him that conversion, which I would definitely say is grace from the source.
The Catholic Gentleman says
How many people do you know who have seen a blinding light, heard the voice of Christ, and been struck blind on the way to their conversion?
The conversion of Saul is by any definition an extraordinary circumstance. To neglect prayer because we presume God will convert us in such a miraculous fashion is the height of foolishness. In ordinary circumstances, we have to ask for actual graces to become holy.
Not to mention, the life of St. Paul was one of continuous prayer after his initial conversion. God got his attention through a miracle, but that didn’t mean Paul didn’t have to continually pray to grow in holiness. In his own words, “Pray without ceasing.”
aemmel says
And the example of Saul on the Road doesn’t hold up for another reason as well. As an observant Jew, it is almost guaranteed that Saul spend time daily in prayer. While he was not following God’s will on the way to slaughter more Christians, he was actively searching and willing to do God’s will. so, while he did not expected to be blinded by God himself, he was already open to the experience.
Joe McCallister says
This was great! When I prayed (before) it was like I was outlining a story and by the time I was done I, along with the folks in my Bible study class, (on a few scary occasions) were as lost as I was. Now, I just keep it simple.
Daniel Swartz says
The picture in this post, where is it from?
Samuel Brebner says
Sam, I’m reading this in 2018 and it’s still so relevant! Thank you for writing so practically about prayer! I’ll definitely be putting some of this into practice this Lent.