A blog for Catholic men that seeks to encourage virtue, the pursuit of holiness and the art of true masculinity.
Today Sam and John are joined by a seasoned veteran who has been fighting against the downfall of true masculinity for many years, Matthew Christoff. In order to move to appropriate solutions, we first assess and diagnose the crisis of masculinity in the Catholic Church as well as society. After discussing the downfall over the years we go into effective and lasting solutions that men need to make and implement today.
Every Catholic Man – everycatholicman.com
Every Catholic Man Podcast – https://everycatholicman.buzzsprout.com
Catholic Men’s Leadership Alliance – https://www.catholicmenleaders.org
A Podcast for Catholic Men on Faith, Virtue, and the World Today
The Catholic Gentleman is a show for Catholic Men on the topics of living with virtue and holiness in the modern world. Featuring interviews and commentary, the show seeks to provide practical insights for men of all ages.
A Podcast for Catholic Men on Faith, Virtue, and the World Today
The Catholic Gentleman is a show for Catholic Men on the topics of living with virtue and holiness in the modern world. Featuring interviews and commentary, the show seeks to provide practical insights for men of all ages.
Reader Interactions