A blog for Catholic men that seeks to encourage virtue, the pursuit of holiness and the art of true masculinity.
Our society is a mess, and when you get down to the quick of it, you find the crisis of men not living their lives as good fathers. It’s a sad truth that many in our society struggle to comprehend what it truly means to be a good father, let alone how to live as one. Today we discuss the one thing that makes a great father. This one thing is crucial for all men to know, not just fathers, because in understanding this you can start living your life in reality. We go into practical ways that this truth plays out in the relationship between fathers and their children and the consequences when it is ignored.
In addition, we also answer a listener’s question about dating a non-Catholic and what advice we have for him.
🔴 🔴 Watch the extended addition, all 1h 40 mins of episode 153 on Catholic Gentleman Plus where we go into double the amount of ways this truth plays out in our lives: https://catholicgentlemanplus.com
✅ We love to answer questions on the show. If you have any questions that we can answer on the show, please, send your questions to us at podcast@catholicgentleman.com. If you record yourself on your phone and send us the audio clip we will play it on air.
11 Sessions Now Available – Weekly Extended Episodes – Monthly Guest Experts and More. This month we discuss Sexual Attraction and Lust: https://catholicgentlemanplus.com
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A Podcast for Catholic Men on Faith, Virtue, and the World Today
The Catholic Gentleman is a show for Catholic Men on the topics of living with virtue and holiness in the modern world. Featuring interviews and commentary, the show seeks to provide practical insights for men of all ages.
A Podcast for Catholic Men on Faith, Virtue, and the World Today
The Catholic Gentleman is a show for Catholic Men on the topics of living with virtue and holiness in the modern world. Featuring interviews and commentary, the show seeks to provide practical insights for men of all ages.
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