Getting to Know St. Joseph

January 16, 2014

St. Joseph was an ordinary sort of man on whom God relied to do great things.  He did exactly what the Lord wanted him to do, in each and every event that went to make up his life. – St. Josemaria Escriva

Recently, I have been growing in devotion to St. Joseph, the husband of Mary and foster father of Jesus. St. Joseph is a model for every man.

But, you might say, we know so little about him! How can we imitate a man we barely know? Actually, we know more about St. Joseph than you might think. Here are 3 attributes of St. Joseph that we can imitate.

1. St. Joseph was a righteous man –  Scripture refers to Joseph as a “righteous” man (Matthew 1:19). In other words, he was a holy and devout Jew who fulfilled the two greatest commandments— he loved the Lord his God with all his heart and strength, and he loved his neighbor as himself. He was also a man of prayer who knew the Psalms and the Mosaic Law inside and out, and, like all devout Jews, he prayed at least 3 times daily. He fulfilled all that was required with him with a humble heart of worship, not legalism. Unlike the Pharisees, he understood the spirit as well as the letter of the law.

As Catholics, we can imitate St. Joseph by giving God the first place in our lives and by loving our neighbor selflessly. We can fulfill the commandments of Holy Mother Church without grumbling or complaining. After all, the law of the Church is incredibly easy to fulfill, especially in comparison to the Mosaic law. We should be men of prayer, reading Scripture and sanctifying each day with prayer.

2. St. Joseph loved Jesus – Joseph was entrusted with the care of Jesus, the Son of God. While this is an awe-inspiring thought, his encounters with Jesus were those of a normal father. He held Jesus lovingly in the stable at Bethlehem. He helped him learn to walk. When Jesus hurt himself (as all little boys do), he comforted him. They prayed together, they talked together, they spent many long hours in the shop together working with their hands.

In short, St. Joseph had the deep love a father for Jesus. If you’ve ever had children, you know the kind of love I’m talking about. And guess what? Jesus loved St. Joseph, and he loves you and I with all the fiery intensity of Divine Love. We can imitate St. Joseph by loving Jesus fervently and by giving our lives to him.

3. St. Joseph loved Mary – Imagine being married to the perfect woman. You could say, “My wife is the Queen of the Universe” with a straight face. In one sense, it must have been the most humbling job ever given to a man. In another sense, though, Joseph loved Mary devotedly as his wife— because that’s exactly what she was. He would have died to protect her honor. When she was distraught, he comforted her. When she was tired, she leaned on him. He patiently listened to her and he worked long hours to provide for her. He was the best husband to the greatest woman who ever lived.

Every man should have a devotion to Mary (I will write more on this in the future). She is our mother and our Queen. Let’s love her, protect her honor, and give ourselves to her like St. Joseph did.


I could go on, but you get the idea. St. Joseph was an extraordinary man, the holy head of the Holy Family. While Jesus and Mary were both sinless, they both obeyed St. Joseph. He had the toughest job on the planet and passed with flying colors. He has a special place in heaven and a special place in the hearts of Jesus and Mary.

He is also patron of the Universal Church and one of the most powerful intercessors among the saints. St. Andre Bessette, the recently canonized Canadian brother, was credited with healing thousands of individuals. His secret? Praying to St. Joseph. If you are in trouble, if you are tempted, if you need anything at all, turn to St. Joseph for help.

Learn more about St. Joseph. A great place to start is the encyclical of Leo XIII on devotion to St. Joseph, entitled Quamquam Pluries. Meditate on his life and his interactions with Jesus and Mary. Ask for his intercession. It will make you a better man.


O Joseph, virgin-father of Jesus, most pure spouse of the Virgin Mary, pray every day for us to the same Jesus, the Son of God, that we, being defended by the power of His grace and striving dutifully in life, may be crowned by him at the hour of death. Amen.

PS: If you want to take your devotion to St. Joseph up a notch, you may want to look into the cord of St. Joseph, a knotted rope worn in honor of St. Joseph’s virtues, especially chastity.

Sam Guzman


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Reader Interactions


  1. James McDonald says

    I was wondering if it was in any way dogmatically defined that St.Joseph was a virgin. I had always thought that the tradition was that he was a widower,possibly with children of his own, who married Mary in his elder days. Not that I have a problem with his virginity, was just curious if I was right or wrong or somewhat free to make up my own mind on this (provided the magesterium had not yet made any dogmatic definition on the subject). 🙂

    • The Catholic Gentleman says

      Great question, James! No, it is not a matter of dogma that St. Joseph was a virgin. There are various theories and traditions about his life, one of which is the one you mention, that he was an older widower when he married Mary.

      We’ll never know for sure for this side of heaven, so various beliefs are perfectly fine!

  2. Don Gonzalez says

    I would recommend reading Bl. Pope John Paul II’s Apostolic Exhortation, Guardian of the Redeemer . Additionally, the notion that Joseph was an old man has its origin in apocryphal work, The Protoevangelium of James. According to the Oblates of St. Joseph, St. Jerome and other fathers of the Church, rejected the idea that Joseph was an old widower. For example, they point out that he would not have been able to make the escape to Egypt had he not been a younger man.

    Finally, if you are interested in learning more about St. Joseph, you can read Joe Catholic’s overview entitled St. Joseph, the Man Closest to Christ We included a number of resources on the life and lessons of St. Joseph

    I recommend

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