The 2019 Catholic Gentleman Christmas Gift List

November 13, 2019

It’s that time of year again: time to start thinking about Christmas gifts for the Catholic gentlemen in your life. Here are 10 gift ideas sure to delight any Catholic Man.

1. The Catholic Gentleman: Living Authentic Manhood Today

What it means to be a man or a woman is questioned today like never before. While traditional gender roles have been eroding for decades, now the very categories of male and female are being discarded with reckless abandon. How does one act like a gentleman in such confusing times? The Catholic Gentleman is a solid and practical guide to virtuous manhood. It turns to the timeless wisdom of the Catholic Church to answer the important questions men are currently asking. 

2. The Catholic Gentleman Rosary

This manly rosary features heavy, gunmetal steel beads, military grade paracord, and a crucifix with relic dirt from the catacombs. It is the ultimate spiritual weapon for any Catholic man.

3. Hallow App

We all know we should pray more, but with busy, overstimulated lives, it can be easy for prayer to fall through the cracks. Not to mention we don’t really know how to pray most effectively. Hallow is a meditation and prayer app for Catholics, rooted in the Catholic contemplative tradition. It features daily scripture meditations, guided rosaries, sleep sessions, and more. It is the perfect companion for those seeking to deepen their prayer lives. Sign up for Hallow yourself or gift it with their gift cards.

4. Monk Manual

Monk Manual is the planner I use. Founded by a Catholic husband, father, and creative, it is designed to employ the best practices of psychology and productivity, while also integrating the meaningful, purposeful action of monks. It’s the perfect way to bring ora et labora to your daily tasks.

Use the code “gentleman” when ordering for 10% off.

5. Imitation of Christ – Illuminated Edition

The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis is one of the best spiritual books ever written, and after the Bible, it is one of the most printed. But unlike the Bible, most editions of the Imitation are cheaply made. That’s why I was delighted to see that Sophia Institute Press is publishing a gorgeously illuminated heirloom version of this spiritual classic. It will make a stunning addition to your library.

6. Coffee With a Cause

Coffee is one of the most consumed drinks on the planet, and my mornings would be barren and bleak without it. But not all coffee companies are created equal. Why not support Catholic monks and farmers when you buy your beans? Here are three excellent options:

  1. Mystic Monk Coffee – Coffee roasted by Carmelite Monks in Wyoming
  2. Guadalupe Roastery – Coffee grown, roasted, and sold by Catholics
  3. Humble Habits – Coffee sold by Byzantine Catholic Monks in Wisconsin

7. Regina Cigars

Cigars are the perfect gift for any man—as long as he isn’t a puritan, that is. Regina cigars is an amazing, Catholic-owned company dedicated to bringing you fine cigars. They also donate a portion of all proceeds to supporting orphans in Honduras. What could be better?

PS: Get 10% off your order between now and Christmas with the code CG10XM19.

8. Calligraphy Gift

There is little chance this gift will arrive in time for Christmas, but it will still be unforgettable. Mr. Duckett produces authentic, hand-drawn calligraphy inspired by ancient Celtic and medieval manuscripts. His work is absolutely stunning. He will produce custom designed products with a meaningful quote of your choosing.

9. Hand-Carved Icon House

Icons are more than just art—they are windows into the heavenly realm. Handmade in Canada by a Byzantine Catholic artisan, these stunning, hand-carved icon houses create a beautiful space in which to house your icons and are perfect for your family altar, shrine, or prayer corner.

10. Corda Candles

Corda Candles are handmade by a Catholic and feature many heavenly scents to choose from, including one called “Carpenter Shop” inspired by St. Joseph and another called “Battle Cry” inspired by St. Michael.

Sam Guzman


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