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A blog for Catholic men that seeks to encourage virtue, the pursuit of holiness and the art of true masculinity.
When we think of Job, we think of suffering. And it is true—Job suffered far more than any of us can imagine. Despite the fact that he was completely innocent, he endured intense physical pain, lack of sleep, hunger, the loss of his enormous wealth, the death of all of his children, and the insults and criticisms of his wife and his fair-weather friends.
This holy man can teach us many things, but today, I want to focus on another aspect of Job that is not talked about very often: his fatherhood. Job can teach us at least three characteristics of a righteous father.
Job had ten children, seven sons and three daughters. In the very beginning of the first chapter of Job, we catch a glimpse of how Job related to his children.
There were born to him seven sons and three daughters. He had seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen, and five hundred she-asses, and very many servants; so that this man was the greatest of all the people of the east.
His sons used to go and hold a feast in the house of each on his day; and they would send and invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them. And when the days of the feast had run their course, Job would send and sanctify them, and he would rise early in the morning and offer burnt offerings according to the number of them all; for Job said, “It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts.” Thus Job did continually.
The first thing we notice in this passage is that Job treasured his children. In detailing Job’s wealth, the author lists his children first and foremost to tell us that Job loved them more than anything else in his possession. Perhaps it is reading too much into things, but I see significance in the fact that Job had seven sons and three daughters. Both seven and three signify completion and perfection in Hebrew culture, so it seems Job had the perfect number of children. His joy was complete.
I think this point is important because the modern world tells us that less is more when it comes to children. Two is considered the perfect number, one boy and one girl. If you have more than two, prepare yourself for all manner of rude comments about your irresponsibility and lack of self-control. Children are considered a burdensome nuisance these days. Yet, in the ancient world, children were treasured as a reward and a blessing from God. A lot of children meant you were abundantly blessed.
As Catholics, I believe we need to recover the idea that children are a reward. We all know the Church’s teaching on artificial contraception, but if we aren’t careful, we can still be very easily influenced by the cultural thinking about children. We can value a big house and a new car more than we do the gift of new life. This is wrong. I can tell you from experience that where there are children, there is always joy. Let’s learn from Job to celebrate our children as the greatest treasure we can possesses.
The second thing that we can learn from this passage is Job’s spiritual concern for his children. Job’s children loved to party, and it no doubt brought joy to Job’s fatherly heart to see his children enjoying his wealth. Yet, while Job wanted his children to have a good time, he never forgot their spiritual wellbeing. Notice his concern:
And when the days of the feast had run their course, Job would send and sanctify them, and he would rise early in the morning and offer burnt offerings according to the number of them all; for Job said, “It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts.” Thus Job did continually.
It is unclear exactly what is meant by the phrase “Job would send and sanctify them.” Another Bible version translates this phrase, “and have them rid of all defilement.” This sounds to me almost like an early form of confession, in which the children confessed their sins to their father. But regardless, it is very clear that Job prayed constantly for his children’s spiritual well being, rising early in the morning to pray for them and offer sacrifices for their sins.
Do you pray for your children? Do you fast or offer other sacrifices on their behalf? Are you concerned for their souls? Do you instruct them in the faith? As Catholic fathers, we have a solemn responsibility to teach our children the Catholic faith, to pray for them, and to guard them, as much as in our power, from sinful influences. We will answer to God for how we raised our children, so like holy Job, we should take our duty to shepherd them seriously.
The third thing Job can teach us is that our children ultimately belong to God. Every parent is tempted to idolize their children, to love them a little too much. Some parents even live vicariously through their children, finding their self-worth in the success of their sons or daughters. This is obviously unhealthy. The only father and mother in history who could safely worship their child were our Blessed Mother and St. Joseph.
The antidote to idolatry of our children is to understand that they are entrusted to us by God and that, ultimately, they belong to him. Notice Job’s reaction when he hears the news of his children’s death: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return; the Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” To be honest, this reaction is astonishing. I very much doubt mine would be so holy. Any parent can imagine the heartrending grief he was feeling at that moment—and yet, he acknowledged everything he possessed, including his children, had been given to him by God.
While we should pray that we never have to experience the lost of a child, we should also cultivate the attitude that our children are ultimately on loan from God. This will keep us from idolizing them and becoming unhealthily attached, and motivate us to train them in the path of righteousness as Job did.
Righteous fatherhood is no easy calling, nor is it something that happens by accident. Holy Job models for us what a God-pleasing father looks like. Let us strive to imitate him by treasuring our children, praying for them, and entrusting them completely to God. That is truly successful parenting.
“Lo, sons are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the sons of one’s youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them!” (Psalm 127:3-5)
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[…] post Job’s Righteous Fatherhood: 3 Lessons from the Suffering Saint of the Old Testament appeared first on The Catholic […]
[…] is the founder and editor of the Catholic Gentleman where this article was originally published. It is reprinted here with permission. […]
[…] is the founder and editor of the Catholic Gentleman where this article was originally published. It is reprinted here with permission. […]
anonymous says
If children are a reward, is childlessness a punishment?
Sam Guzman says
No, it is not a punishment. God distributes his blessings in different ways, and he also distributes crosses in various ways. For example, some Catholics are very wealthy financially (a blessing), but perhaps they struggle with depression (a cross). Another Catholic may have many beautiful children that bring them great joy (a blessing), but they must struggle with a chronic illness (a cross).
These crosses are not punishment. In fact, that is one of the major themes of the book of Job. Job’s friends are convinced he is being punished for some hidden sin, but Job maintains his innocence. He is a picture of the ultimate innocent Victim who carried the cross, Jesus Christ. It is in the cross that we see the Divine answer to suffering.
Infertility is a very heavy cross, but no, it is not a punishment.
Debbie says
Beautifully stated reply Sam.
trevsliw says
Another thing to remember is that all of Creation is imperfect due to sin. I was reading a post over at Standing on my Head about why children get cancer and die.
We don’t know all the contingent actions that have resulted in our lives. Maybe an ancestor had their epigenetics altered because of some violence. Maybe there is an unknown carcinogen in our diet. We don’t know the cause but as Catholics we know how we can use our suffering for good.
Also, look at Job, often God has big plans for he/she who suffers the most.
anonymous says
You seem to conflate what is a reward and what is a blessing or a gift.
Vince Contreras says
Hi Anonymous – It does not necessarily follow that if children are a reward, then childlessness is a punishment. While one may not be blessed with children, God finds other ways to bless and reward his faithful ones. For example, some of the most blessed people I know are those who have become foster parents and adoptive parents, especially of special needs and abused children. While childlessness is indeed a cross for many people, God is always able to bring good out of any sorrow.
anonymous says
You’re conflating the terms.
If I run a race well or achieve a sales objective, I received a reward in the form of a medal or a bonus.
If I want someone to feel a bit of happiness on his birthday, I might give him a gift. It’s not direct a response to anything he’s done for me.
The two are not the same.
AthenaC says
No they are not the same, but remember that there is a certain amount of imprecision in poetic language. Poetic language can certainly guide us to theological truth and give us things to meditate on and think about, but it shouldn’t necessarily be read as literally as one might read, for example, the Starfleet Technical Manual.(*)
(*) In case it’s not clear, that was supposed to be humorous. Har har.
anonymous says
The problem isn’t one of language. Children are not a reward, and it’s very modern and narcissistic to consider them a reward. But they are a blessing.
Debbie says
Again, a beautiful interpretation of Job and fatherhood Sam. I lost my youngest (23) son a year ago this coming Wednesday so this very my touched my soul. My Protestant (2nd) husband told me all about Jesus 15 years ago and I got “saved”….problem is I never felt “saved”. Seemed wrong to me, until I happened upon Ann Barnhardt who explained how the Protesters were wrong and the Catholic Church IS the church started by Christ. Of course my husband would having nothing of this….so I did nothing (except keep reading on Catholicism). Two days before my son’s death I heard from God for the first time in my life. As I was getting ready for bed He asked me to pray to Him, Worship Him, talk to Him and I in my disobedience and laziness ignored Him and went to bed. I’m sure He wanted to prepare me. Then a few days after my son’s death I heard from God again as I was crying out to Him in my pain. Clearly He asked me “Where was I with His pain of putting His Son on that cross for me?” I stopped crying immediately because I knew what He wanted…I was to get to His Church where He is worshipped properly…so here I am…currently in RCIA desiring to enter the Church but with a divorce/remarriage to untangle. Please pray for my husband as my conversion is causing him great pain and anger.
Carlos says
You should do a post about how to go about fraternal correction and how we can share our faith as men as well as how to help people come into (or back into the Catholic Church). Another idea some practical suggestions on how to avoid scandalizing those around us and how we, as Catholic men, can set a good example, to be a “light” in the world today. Any suggestions? I would greatly appreciate if you did some posts concerning these topics. Please respond if you get this post. Thank you Sam!
Caleb & Britton (@LifeofPrinciple) says
Sam: Good stuff, but for one thing…you can NEVER love your kids too much.
But I get the point on not worshipping them.
Keep up the good work.