Pray for the Holy Father

September 27, 2013

Do you pray for the Holy Father every day? As the Vicar of Christ, he bears a tremendous responsibility. Not only does he have to shepherd over a billion Catholics, many of them fallen away from or ignorant of the faith, but he also bears the weight of the world’s attention, as a frenzied media waits to pounce on his every word.

He has to deal with dissidents within the Church and hostile enemies without. He has to speak the Truth in a world that doesn’t believe truth exists. He has to teach people that they are not animals, but transcendent, immortal creatures made by God and for God. He has to instill a respect for the dignity of each human life in a world that thinks that life is cheap and easily discarded.

I could go on, but in short, Pope Francis has the hardest job in the world. He needs our prayers, and in fact, he asks for them at every opportunity. We need to praying for him daily. With that in mind, here is a short prayer that you can pray for our Holy Father.

Almighty and everlasting God, have mercy upon Thy servant Francis, our Supreme Pontiff, and direct him according to Thy loving kindness in the way of eternal salvation; that, of Thy gift, he may ever desire that which is pleasing unto Thee and may accomplish it with all his might. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Do you pray for the pope daily? Do you have any prayers you recommend?

Sam Guzman


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Reader Interactions


    • keithp says

      Welll….. you could cut and paste it in to a word doc and then print out yourself.

      OTH, a contribution to the US FSSP gets you a monthly prayer card with this prayer, a prayer for priests and one FSSP Father per day to add to your intentions!

  1. Mike Crognale says

    I do pray for him, his intentions for the month and all the Holy Souls in Purgatory every day. I do the Liturgy of the Hours, Morning Prayer, consistently. I do other hours as the mood strikes me.

    • spookchristian says

      he is not the vicar of christ..
      he is not ‘ In place Of ‘ jesus christ at all.
      the so called pope is the head of an heretical,and blasphemous organisation.
      The Whore of babylon.

      he does not speak for christians, he speaks for the roman catholics.
      the man is also a jesuit..a more despicable organisation you could not get.!!
      You need to repent, get saved mister!!

      • mcrognale says

        You are a very sad deluded man. You do not even realize that you are doing Satan’s work. Got news for you my brother. The Roman Catholic Church is the actual original church founded by Jesus through Peter. We are the original Christians able to trace our HISTORICAL lineage through the papal succession all the way from Francis back to Peter. Every other denomination that calls itself christian is an off shoot formed by the so called reformation. I would suggest that you do some further study,especially about the “whore of babylon” statement. You will finds that the historical genesis of that phrase does not refer to the Catholic Church. God bless you.

  2. spookchristian says

    he is not the vicar of christ..
    he is not ‘ In place Of ‘ jesus christ at all.
    the so called pope is the head of an heretical,and blasphemous organisation.
    The Whore of babylon.

    he does not speak for christians, he speaks for the roman catholics.
    the man is also a jesuit..a more despicable organisation you could not get.!!
    You need to repent, get saved mister!!

  3. renminbi esaias says

    O Lord, the hour of your favour the day of your mercy and our salvation that by the inspiration of thy loving Spirit we make us worthy through Jesus Christ our Lord according to your great mercy and according to the multitude of thy compassion of your great name and for the benefit of your holy Church through Jesus Christ our Lord, our prayer of the hour of the blessed day we offer to Christ our king and give us the grace to a devout and holy life of every good purpose and holy desire through Christ our Lord. Amen

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