There’s Good In This World. And It’s Worth Fighting For.

August 30, 2018

The reality of evil can be simply overwhelming. When it dawns upon us the extent to which evil has seemingly prevailed in the world and, yes, even in the Church, it can be tremendously disheartening.

Nevertheless, I would argue that, despite appearances, there is more good in the Church and in the world than evil. Evil simply gets more attention. 

All around the world, there are faithful priests laboring silently and faithfully. There are religious who fast and pray ceaselessly for the Church. There are parents training their children in holiness and cultivating an atmosphere of love and devotion in their homes. There are businessmen bearing witness to the Gospel in their workplaces. There are holy men and women serving the least of these in the name of Christ.

Such small acts of goodness are more powerful than we think. As Tolkien, through the mouth of Gandalf, once said, “Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. It is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love.” 

Acts of love and generosity will never make headlines. They will never be splashed across social media or be highlighted in the nightly news. But they are real, nonetheless, and God sees them.

Remember that the devil has one mission: To drown out the praise of God by distracting us from the Goodness in which we live and move and have our being. He works ceaselessly to drown out the praise due to our Creator with a howl of anger, hatred, and pain. And it seems, too often, that we allow him to succeed. 

Everyday, the sun rises. The rain falls. Every moment, graces and gifts descend from our Father in heaven. Everywhere love works, patiently, silently, and unnoticed. Everywhere life triumphs over death and goodness radiates from the heart of God to his creatures. And it will never cease to do so. 

Brothers, with what are you filling your mind? Evil things that stir up anger and anxiety, or good things that fill your heart with praise and thanksgiving? 

In these days of trial, I would encourage you to fill your mind with what is good. Enjoy the simple pleasures of life and offer praise to God for them. Savor a sunset. Rejoice in and love your wife and children. Pray and give thanks for every breath. Notice the goodness surrounding you, for it is always there. 

Evil and ugliness are real. But so too is goodness, and it grows still greater.

I will conclude with the words of St. Paul:

Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 

– Philippians 4:6-8

Sam Guzman


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Reader Interactions


  1. Łukasz says

    Thank you for this post, Sam. The trials we have now make us think that there is no good, that evil is so powerful. But it’s a lie. Every day, every minute is full of moments of small good deeds which aren’t so impressive. Thank you for what you wrote these days, I feel Holy Spirit here.

  2. jtbrannigan says

    Sam: Important thoughts. It is difficult to focus on the good in the midst of the present storm but for our own salvation and that of the world we must do so.

    Keep up the good work. Praying for you.


  3. Stephen Matheis says

    I find it hard to believe you have had only 3 responses in two weeks. On the other hand, the world sucks people into a fatalistic mentality. I am too often sucked into that hopelessness. Thank you, Sam Guzman, you have pulled me out of that mire. I fear, only for a short while, keep up the good work. I, and many others, need you. Thank you.

  4. Tim in Miami says

    “Brothers, with what are you filling your mind? Evil things that stir up anger and anxiety, or good things that fill your heart with praise and thanksgiving?” So true. I have been irritable and quick to anger and it is directly related to my Twitter usage. Such dark times and I am allowing that darkness in. Thanks, Sam, for snapping my head out of it.

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