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A blog for Catholic men that seeks to encourage virtue, the pursuit of holiness and the art of true masculinity.
Anyone who has been halfway paying attention will know that the Church is facing a serious crisis—one fueled by sexual scandals, financial corruption, and increasing doctrinal confusion.
It’s a crisis of more than just policy too. The utter failure of many in the hierarchy to faithfully teach and proclaim the most basic tenets of the faith, coupled with grave moral failings of literally thousands of clergy, calls into question for many the entire credibility and moral authority of the Church.
It is easy for us laity, faced with such grave scandals, to feel powerless. After all, we do not elect our leaders as we do in a democratic system. We can protest and make our voices heard, but ultimately we have no control whatsoever over the hierarchy.
We are faced with a choice. We can either ignore the situation and pretend everything’s fine, or we can take up weapons of a spiritual nature and pray and fast for the Church. I choose the latter, and I hope you will join me.
I invite all of you to join a movement of thousands of Catholics beginning Exodus 90 from January 21 until Easter. If you haven’t heard of Exodus 90, it’s a 90-day spiritual exercise involving focused fasting, prayer, and other forms of asceticism, together with other men.
I won’t lie. It will be challenging, and it will involve some real sacrifices. It will change how you spend your time, how you eat, and what media you consume. But if there’s ever time the Catholic church needs men to rise up and embrace prayer and penance, it is now.
As men, we are called to lead. Let’s shake off our complacency, take up our crosses, and deny ourselves for the good of our families, the Church, and the world. Join the waiting list using the link below to get notified when the start date begins.
We have another option and that’s leave and go find an Evangelical Christian Church to belong to. I’m sick and tired of the sex abuse scandal, sick and tired of the doctrinal errors being spread by the hierarchy, and sick and tired of this Pope and his henchmen who refuse to respond to the scandal and in some cases perpetuate it.
Dear Mike, it’s always easier to leave the boat which starts to sink. But you can always stay at board, do something to repair it, if you feel responsible for it, as for example St Francis did. The Church of his age wasn’t “perfect” wasn’t more saint than today’s Catholic Community. Even if at his time there were many guys preaching return to the poverty and to the Gospel but without intermediary of Church, he decided to stay. And the Church, we all, was blessed by his decision…
One of the element of Catholic faith is the fidelity to the bishop of Rome as we believe that through him the Holy Spirit leads his Church. Even if I have another vision of Church, I believe that Pope was really designated to his function by Holy Spirit. But as always, it’s a question of faith: you can trust it or not.
I’m also very sad about the past scandals, it’s hard / impossible to understand. But I need to say that I really met and meet living God in Catholic Church.
“From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.
You do not want to leave too, do you?” Jesus asked the Twelve.
Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. 69 We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.”
Greetings from Poland,
At this time, it’s really quite hard to tell if God really resides in the Catholic Church.
We have a situation that is, quite frankly, impossible to repair. The power structure simply will not allow for the filth to be flushed out of the clergy and the seminaries and the religious orders. And if by some miracle this did happen, we’d probably be left with far less than half the priests that we currently have, and almost none in the pipeline. Parish closings and mergers will continue for that reason alone.
That the bishops are also encouraging things like fasting, is a sure sign that we ought to be doing something else.