A blog for Catholic men that seeks to encourage virtue, the pursuit of holiness and the art of true masculinity.
WARNING: Adult Content is Discussed in this episode. John Heinen and Devin Schadt discuss how to have meaningful conversations with your wife about sex. This is not an issue to take lightly and one that has caused the downfall of countless marriages. Sex has the ability to make a marriage great and holy, yet how often does it become an obstacle to true love and unity? Today, we talk about 7 points that are necessary to have beneficial communication with your wife on this issue. Most couples find this topic challenging to have, and since great marriages do not happen by accident, we want to provide you with tools to make this area of your marriage a place to grow in love and holiness. God has ordained this sacrament as the closest sign in the world of the mystery of Christ’s love for His Church. Therefore, men, we must do our part to better live this out.
🟠Exodus 90 – START NOW FOR FREE – Click Here
Episode 136 – Lust, Sin, and How to Win – https://catholicgentleman.com/2023/11/lust-sin-and-how-to-win/
Episode 139 – What Women Don’t Understand About Men – https://catholicgentleman.com/2023/12/what-women-dont-understand-about-men
QUESTION OF THE WEEK: We love to answer your questions on the show so send them our way to podcast@catholicgentleman.com. We answer 2 of them in our extended episode today.
Check out Devin’s Apostolate – Fathers of St. Joseph – https://fathersofstjoseph.org
🔴 🔴 Watch the extended of episode 193 on Catholic Gentleman Plus where we answer two listeners questions on their situations of sex within marriage: https://catholicgentlemanplus.com
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A Podcast for Catholic Men on Faith, Virtue, and the World Today
The Catholic Gentleman is a show for Catholic Men on the topics of living with virtue and holiness in the modern world. Featuring interviews and commentary, the show seeks to provide practical insights for men of all ages.
A Podcast for Catholic Men on Faith, Virtue, and the World Today
The Catholic Gentleman is a show for Catholic Men on the topics of living with virtue and holiness in the modern world. Featuring interviews and commentary, the show seeks to provide practical insights for men of all ages.
Absolutely love the topic. I agree 100% on the importance of having this conversation with your wife. David mentions fear and it is real. I wanted to add to this and go a level deeper. Most men I have worked with, when I started with them, where unable to have this conversation. If you attempt this conversation and you are not emotionally healthy it can make things worse. Men have fear, not just about being uncomfortable. David seems He knows who He is, he is confident. This is not true for a lot of men today. They have deep seated feelings of
I am not good enough, I am unworthy, I am unlovable”. They need to work on that 1st! Please men if you are not ready, do not address this conversation.
Amen, Kenneth. This is a great comment and something that needs to be addressed as well. Thank you for calling this out.