[…] for men. Shaving clubs are by far the most popular male-oriented offering, and companies like Harry’s and Dollar Shave Club have focused exclusively on offering disposable cartridge razors in an […]
A blog for Catholic men that seeks to encourage virtue, the pursuit of holiness and the art of true masculinity.
I’ve long been appalled by the state of cartridge razors. Not only are they absurdly expensive, they also are strangely designed and marketed. It’s like the entire razor industry decided that razors should be associated with lightning fast speed and futuristic design. Razors are named “Mach 3,” “Fusion,” and “Turbo,” and they look more like the spaceships from a Sci-Fi show than grooming instruments.
Not to mention, would-be shavers are faced with the lose-lose dilemma of choosing between incredibly expensive cartridges that offer a good shave and affordable cartridges that will shred your face. Empty wallet or hacked up face— take your pick.
Anyway, I digress. The point is, most cartridge razors are ugly and a terrible value. It’s time someone brought some class and affordability back to cartridge razors.
That’s why I was so intrigued when I saw Harry’s razors. Harry’s seems to have grasped the above crisis of cartridge razors, and they are dedicated to making cartridge razors attractive and affordable again. I decided to give them a try and share my findings with you.
In my opinion, Harry’s has nailed the aesthetics of a great shaving experience. You won’t find any supercharged jet power products here. Everything from their website to the product packaging is clean and sharp— like a good razor.
Maybe you think it doesn’t matter, but I disagree. How you market a product speaks volumes about your goals for it and the kind of consumer you want to reach.
I ordered the $15 starter package that comes with three blades, a tube of shaving cream, and a razor. Considering you could spend as much on a single cartridge razor without the extra cartridges or shaving soap, this is a good deal.
Harry’s offers a free shipping option, a rarity these days, and that’s what I chose. Everything arrived in about three days. Opening the box reveals the contents neatly laid out in compartments. Everything is handsome and well designed and just feels well made.
As an aside, Harry’s offers auto-refill packages, so you can have new cartridges and cream mailed to you automatically at the frequency you desire. This is a nice option, and the cost isn’t that bad.
While aesthetics matter, obviously the shave is the most important aspect of a razor. Harry’s makes a big deal about their German engineered blades, and they promise they perform better than other blades on the market. So do they?
Honestly, I haven’t used a cartridge razor in a long time, so the only thing I can compare the Harry’s shave to is my Merkur safety razor loaded with Feather blades. The Harry’s shave was comparable, and that’s a pretty big compliment for a cartridge razor.
The advantage of a good cartridge razor is that you don’t have to worry so much about blade angle, and because the Harry’s razor is five-bladed, I had to make fewer passes to get the same shave. The razor fits comfortably in the hand (Harry’s claims the ergonomics are specially designed), and you won’t have to deal with any rubber pads or strange, swoopy curves like you do on the futuristic mainstream razors. It’s worth mentioning that Harry’s offers a few handle options, including a monogrammed chrome handle featuring your initial if you are feeling extra luxurious.
As for the included cream, it was quite nice with a light, fresh scent. It goes on smooth, though in my few shaves with it, it didn’t lather as well as some. I would compare it more to a lotion than an actual shaving soap. That said, it did the job and felt great. Harry’s says it is loaded with essential oils and other natural extracts, so it’s good for your skin. I’d choose it over the gel goop from a can any day. In fact, I’m seriously considering buying it from now on instead of my Taylor of Old Bond Street Sandalwood shaving cream, which I love.
Hands down, Harry’s is superior to your average cartridge razor from the drug store. Ordering Harry’s is significantly cheaper in the long term, the blades are better and more affordable than regular cartridges, and the experience is far classier. If you’re going to use cartridge razors, I can’t imagine using anything but Harry’s.
That said, is Harry’s enough to make me switch from my trusty safety razor? Probably not, but I’ll keep using Harry’s for the time being since I have a couple more cartridges left. At this point, I still find the safety razor superior. The craftsmanship behind the razor itself is far better (weighty metal versus plastic is night and day), and the feather blades are still far cheaper than Harry’s blades. And the shave is just as good.
Still, Harry’s razors are some of the nicest I’ve come across, and they make shaving with a cartridge razor sharp and gentlemanly again. I recommend them and give them the Catholic Gentleman’s seal of approval.
PS: Full disclosure, I used the refer a friend link from the Harry’s website. That means I’ll get some free cartridges if you order through it. If you don’t want to order that way, just visit Harry’s.com. I only recommend products I’ve tried.
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[…] for men. Shaving clubs are by far the most popular male-oriented offering, and companies like Harry’s and Dollar Shave Club have focused exclusively on offering disposable cartridge razors in an […]
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You have given me want to try, thanks. But unfortunately, they do not deliver in Europe!
There’s a free month trial of The Dollar Shave Club available finally at: http://shaved.by/clhwW – my wife and son love it!
Have been using Harry’s for 3 months. There is a reason they are cheap, because they are and they do not do a great job. The blades are cheap steel and are an order of magnitude thinner than a Gillette Mach 3. I shave every other day and replace the blade every two weeks and after just two uses the blades just cannot give you a good shave. I have tried shaving every day thinking maybe two days is too much for the blade, nope the blades still cannot do it. If you do the math, it is not that much more per year to buy the good blades. My three cents.
truman55, I started shaving my head in 1972. I’m caucasian, and I was losing my hair very early. I was in college, and I couldn’t stand it. I had 3 choices: accept it, wear a wig, or shave my head hoping it would bring back my hair stronger (like peach fuzz on your face, or women shaving their legs, etc). As I found out, I was still losing my hair even though I kept shaving my head, so I got accustomed to it (a lot of people sometimes stared at me, but I got used to it – after 6 months). I started with Gillette Stainless Steel blades and tried just about every blade that came out. I tried 2 electric shavers too, but I needed a shave that night, so I went back to razors. I started Harry’s on December 14, 2015. I remember that date because I wanted to see how long they last. When I first tried it, it felt like it wasn’t cutting my hair, but then I felt it, and it was cutting my hair! Very close, too, because I felt my head in the AM, and it wasn’t as stubbly as usual. I was thrilled! Now the best part: I’m on my 7th blade right now (started it last week). That comes out to 5-6 weeks per blade! With Gillette Fusion, I get up to 2 weeks per blade. Anyway, I’ll be with Harry’s until something better comes along. BTW, I shave my face, along with my head, each AM.
I think your study of shaving needs was sound, to the point and informative. I “enjoy” shaving every day, as it reminds me often that I’m a gentleman, and must strive for the apperence as such.
If I may, might I suggest the topic of tobacco as a future post on your blog. Bring to mind your opinion in what kinds of tobacco you smoke, the places that might be best to purchase them and what to look for in tabacco, pipes and opportunities in which to enjoy them. Personally I enjoy med/mild dominican cigars with a CT leaf wrap, over a glass of fine whiskey. If you haven’t done so, please consider this. Also, maybe it would be preferable to conduct such a blog in a 2 or 3 part series. If you have done so, please send your findings to my email. Many thanks, and KEEP THE FAITH BROTHA! James Scarnici
I’m a big fan of Dollar Shave Club. Similar idea, but less classy (and less $$). http://ca.dollarshaveclub.com/ref/index/r/5ys2c/1hsn76t/s/tx/cx/1/
I use Dollar Shave Club as well…but I do like the look of these…
Used Dollar Shave Club before…Harry’s is superior.
Looks like it is trying to market itself as a gentlemanly Dollar Shave Club.
As for the Dollar Shave Club fans out there, after their advertising video went viral last summer (which I found pretty amusing myself) I checked out their products. I was interested but then found that they didn’t actually manufacture the blades themselves. They purchased them from a company called Dorco. You can buy the same razors from them at a slightly lower cost.
I too have been dissatisfied with my shaving system and the frequent need to replace expensive blades. Fortunately a few months ago I discovered a product that has changed my attitude to shaving. It’s a razor blade sharpener which promised to give up to 150 shaves with just one blade. I was skeptical at first but after using it for a few months I am convinced that it does what it says it will – although this system is not really a blade sharpener but is in essence a blade “cleaner”. I have easily had over 100 shaves with the same blade and I’m sure there are more to go. I bought mine in Canada for about $25 but it is available in the US too. You can find details at razorpit.ca. One last thing, Gillette Foamy is the best soap I’ve found to get great shaving results.
WARNING: My security software reported that the URL given in the message from Bernie is an attack site. If you want to check out RazorPit, go to razorpit.com instead. Personally, I think the RazorPit tool is way overpriced. I could put together something that would work just as well from stuff I have lying around the house.
I cannot understand why cartridge blades are so ridiculously expensive. I recently decided to order them in bulk quantity from Amazon, knowing that would cheaper in the long run. If only this posting had gone up a week earlier. Even so, I think I’ll give Harry’s a try. Thanks for the info.
I just received my kit earlier this week, and your description is perfect. The handle and blade is very nice to hold and use (compared to mainstream). And, as you say the cream is like a lotion but does the job. I’d also recommend Harry’s – if you decide to try, use the link Sam provided as thanks for maintaining this site!
No question about it. The Harry’s handle is far superior to anything I have tried. However the blade doesn’t match up to the handle. I get a much better shave from the Gillette Fusion cartridge blade than from Harry’s blades – although to be sure the handle is not as comfortable. Too bad I can’t match Harry’s handle to the Gillette blade.
Also, Mr Guzman states: “I haven’t used a cartridge razor in a long time, so the only thing I can compare the Harry’s shave to is my Merkur safety razor loaded with Feather blades.” So not having tried the Gillette fusion blade how can he say “Harry’s is superior to your average cartridge razor from the drug store.” Comparing almost any of the newer blades with a safety razor would make the newer product look good.
I prefer my safety razor to any cartridge any day, however I cannot shave as often with my safety razor due having sensitive skin on my neck so I rotate. Right now I am using the Schick Quattro which does the job, not as close as my Edwin Jagger with Feather blades.
I just purchased the Truman (Orange) set and will give these a go. Thanks for the review.
Thanks for your review! I’m looking forward to trying this out. I’m pretty attached to my safety razor (especially since blades are even cheaper than these cartridges!), but since I try to avoid checked baggage when I fly and can’t take safety razor blades on my carry-on, I’m thinking that this will be my dopp kit razor. We’ll see how it goes!
What is your trusty safety razor? What brand as you did not mention it?
I’ve just tried Harry’s razors for a month and it’s been disappointing. In fact I’ve just cancelled my plan with them. I found that the blades are not as good as the more expensive cartridge razors out there. I REALLY hoped that the Harry’s system was going to be awesome as I hate how expensive good cartridge razors are. I found the Harry’s blades to not shave as close, and I found it harder to reach more difficult areas of my face, I ended up with cuts and nicks which I don’t normally get. I also found the shaving cream to be less than desirable – it’s a lotion of sorts and for me it made it too slippery. I know everyone’s experience is different and shaving is very personal – but as much as I wished this was going to be the solution for me, it just wasn’t.
Mark, I am having a similarly disappointing experience. The shape of the Winston handle is nice, but it feels much lighter and cheaper than it looks. And the Harry’s blades are simply awful. It’s like shaving with a cheese grater, and they leave behind stubble that my old Quattro blades never did. I’ve given Harry’s a week, but I’ll be calling them tomorrow to test their return policy.
Combination of flex and stiffness of the razor head is outstanding. Not too impressed with the shave cream. Used cream with and without brush. The brush path lead to more lather.
The razor is okay but it is cheaply made and inferior to a Mach 3 and Quattro for shaving. Great advertising and shtick but it’s really nothing special, maybe on the same level as a magnum M5 which is an okay razor.
I received my $25 starter pack 2 weeks ago from harry’s and have been a long time user of Dollar Shave Club. I must say the quality of the razor and closeness of the shave is far better than the high end DSC razors i have been using for over the last 1-1/2 years. I have cancelled my subscription and will use Harry’s from now on. I will NEVER buy from the top 3 retail razor Mfr’s again!
Tried both the Truman (plastic) and now the Winston (Aluminum) – worth the difference in cost for the additional heft in the metal handle – recommend the Winston (monogramming is your call 🙂 )
I never knew how important the trim blade was until I started using a Harry’s blade which doesn’t have one.
“I haven’t used a cartridge razor in a long time,…” Then how could you dare write a review of one without shaving with others for comparison? This review has no validity whatsoever. Try a Gillette Fusion compared to this and write THAT review.
Nice esthetics and inital shaves quite good. However, the blades fail the rinse test. They are too close together to allow water to wash through and clean them. With the Gillettes (I’m not a particual fan of that company) the blades are slightly more separated and wash clean (more or less). Harry’s should be able to correct this flaw.
what john K said!
I have used Harrys and cannot really complain about the shave. The problem I have is with the cheap construction of the plastic that hold the blades. I bought 16 blades to take advantage of the great price. The first 3 blades I have used all broke on the second shave. They really like to brag about the German engineering, and I’m not knocking that, but overall they are cheap made. I will never use them again.
I had the same problem myself with these blades. It was nothing to do with the blade itself. The construction of the plastic that holds the blades breaks very easily. I even let a representative know that works their so maybe that will get fixed. On the plus side, she was very receptive to what I was saying and even sent more out. I personally thought the blades themselves felt very good and the quality, ergonomics of the handle was very nice. This is a start up company so I am hoping they address the issues. Still I would never tell anyone to tap or drop these as they will break fast.
I would rate the Harry’s blades very poor and even dangerous. I had a blade within the cartridge become bent while I was shaving with it causing me to gouge myself significantly. I returned the damaged blade to Harry’s and they are sending it on to their German engineering team. After healing my face and replacing the cartridge with a new one, I found that the Harry’s blades tugged at my beard and the shave was rough and uncomfortable. Until Harry’s can get a handle on the quality and safety of their blades and cartridges, I would steer clear of Harry’s. Try Dorco and see if you can experience some improvement in your shaving experience.
I’m glad you posted this. I too was injured by a Harrry’s blade.
In my 35 years of shaving, I have never even gotten close to the severity of the injury I received by this faulty blade.
I will live with a scar for the rest of my life.
Hi Dan and Michael (and Jim and Joe).
I’ve also been cut badly by Harry’s blades. I’m a head-shaver and got flayed terribly two times in two months. The first I thought was a fluke, and I really wanted to like Harry’s, so I tried again. I had a few good, uneventful weeks, but 2-3 days ago, I had the second ‘event’. In both instances, a significant piece of my scalp was flayed off. Huge mess. Bathroom looked like a crime scene. Ouch. I’ve got pictures, but you don’t want to see them. I’ve been shaving my head for over 10 years with a wide range of cartridge razors and I’ve never had anything even remotely this awful happen before. Hearing some of your comments, paired with my experience, it sounds like they have a major design or production problem.
I too have had a large piece of scalp flayed, 2 spots, last time I shaved, using harry’s razor and their gel.
I’ve been ok on my face but I am now a bit weary. Have heard nothing from their customer service dept yet.
Just happened to me!!!!! I have to enormous places where I was scalped by Harry’s. I am pissed. I bled for 2 hours and needed to be in court. The base below the first blade is too flimsy and if it bends down you are losing a significant section of scalp. DONT BUY THEM
ah so like you say do you know how i got this scars? harrys. like the joker dark knight. ledger. sorry for your injury.
I have been hurt badly by Harrys…just happened…..
omg. gouge. dorco? gillette?
I have used Harry’s blades, and never will again. I purchased 16 blades to get the cheaper price. The first four blades I used all broke on the second shave. They broke where the blade pivots. Cheap plastic. A couple of them did ok then more broke, again on the second shave. I will never use them again. Personally, I think they are dangerous. I am going back to the razor my father used to teach me to shave. Double safety razor, a brush, and a good shaving soap. No more Harry’s for me.
The Harry’s razor handle is poorly designed and has no grip. It jumps out of your hand. I find myself constantly having to dry the handle to be able to use it. The blades offer an unremarkable shave and do not last long with a strong beard (maybe 3 to 4 shaves). The head is bulky and does not pivot well so the area under the nose is left incomplete. Going back to Gillette. You get what you pay for.
Shave when you get out of the shower. Shaving cream is not needed.
Sand paper would have been better. I tried my new Harry’s blade and razor today. Ouch ouch ouch, it pulled, it tugged, it hurt, I ended up re shaving with my trusty Gillette Mach 5. Never again Harry’s. Slick advertising does not make a product good. I should have saved my money. Now I sit here with razor burn because of Harry’s razor system. I hope I can return the unused blades.
BALD MEN BEWARE. Except for a brief time with head blade, I have used a fusion for 10 years on my face and head. I tried Harry’s recently and loved the packaging and blade handle. However, the razor was lacking. On my face, with an admittedly heavy beard, the razor left a more quickly noticeable 5 o’clock shadow.
On my head, which is by no means populated with thick hair,
Harry’s was a complete disaster. If you shave your head, avoid this blade. In three times, I had two major cuts. I thought the first one may have been my inattention. On the second try, I got a worse cut that literally required a medical bandage to stop the bleeding. Harry’s is not meant to shave your head.
Jim, I suffered the exact same plight. They are awful on a bald head. I have cuts all over my head from these blades and in 15 years of shaving my head with those Mach razors never once had a cut on my head like the ones i got from these blades. Mach may be overpriced, but for my dollars I’ll take it over having little pieces of sliced skin appear on my razor blades followed by a lot of blood!
I second that. See my reply to Dan Coughlin’s post (didn’t want to double-post). TLDR: Also head shaver, cut very badly on two occasions by Harry’s.
I use a custom metal and acrylic shaving handle, that accepts the 3 bladed Gillette Mach 5 blade. If properly dried after each shave, I get about 30 shaves per blade. Just received my Harry’s kit today, and shaved with it for the first time. Although shaped nicely, the handle is too light and loses the tactile sense of a heavier handle. Quite disappointed in my first shave, as blade seemed grabbing dull. It felt like my normal blade after over 30 shaves. Maybe the installed blade was dull, so will give it another try with one of the other included blades. Will post again if I get a different outcome.
Sorry, correct my normal blade in the above post to Mach 3. (my wife buys them)
I’m a sucker for anything orange and this razor is no exception. It arrived very shortly after I ordered on eBay. Was not prepared for it to say “assembled in China”, however. Nonetheless, I like the shave. Not quite as good as my Schick Hydro 5 but very nice.
I love the concept mixing catholicity and shaving 😉 Actually this is exactly that kind of thoughts that led me to reconsider my shaving routine. Because modern razors ecosystems are very agressive to God Creation. Disposal are hard to recycle (plastic+steel is a nightmare to get rid of), industrial soap and after shaves are made with suspicious products that could either armed our skins or our health, thus injuring the temple of the Holy Ghost, but also poisoning our neighbors through animals and plants, as those chemicals products are eliminated with water.
That’s why I have recently switched to safety razors and I don’t want to look back. Their blades are much easier to get rid of (no plastic in it). They are much more elegant than the plastic modern razors. With the right blade, I have never been so closely shaved. Shaving every morning is now a pure moment of pleasure.
The ritual I have built up around “safety shaving” is part of this pleasure : I have bought a shaving brush (no animal but synthetical hairs). I use traditionnal soaps like Aleppo (olive and laurel), Marseille (olive), Morrocan black soaps (argan). They are so natural and healthy that they are very good for shaving but also for shower. Aleppo and Morrocan black soaps are also good shampoos. But if you want to use those traditional soaps for your body, with God Creation respect in mind, you’d better do some digging before buying, as many soaps are counterfeits ore use bad materials (animal or palm oils, chemicals,…). But it’s worth it. A last advice : don’t buy liquid “natural” soaps as they will include chemicals not used in solid soaps.
For aftershave, as I couldn’t find any product that would match my ethical (no animals, no palm) and health (no chemicals) standards, I worked on an home made after shave cream. Not only a kid or a pet could eat it with no injury, it is the best balm I ever used for calming and curing my sensitive skin.
Knowing I confortly shave with protecting my health, my neighbors, and God’s Creation is part of this incredible moment of joy I have now every morning. That’s why using any kind of cartridge razor is fom now on a no-go for me.
(please forgive my faulty writing, I am French)
I received my Harry’s razor a few days ago. In my opinion, they are inferior to my regular brand, “Gillette Fusion.” I haven’t cut myself shaving in years until I tried Harry’s. My face was cut all over. I bled for hours. It’s a crap product and I will never use them again.
I have been using the Harry’s razors for a few weeks and I had noticed more nicks than previous razors. I should have seen the warning as a new blade just took a huge chunk of skin from the side of my face. I would not recommend these blades at all. I’ve never in 30 years of shaving had such a bad injury from a razor!
HEAD SHAVERS: DO NOT USE HARRY’S RAZORS. Their site contains a short understated warning about head shaving, mine and others are far more accurate (and graphic). If you are squeamish, don’t read the next paragraph, here’s the executive summary: I used my Harry’s razor one time to shave my head, result: one hour of first aid treatment and two large, painful, very visible gouges in the side of my head that will take weeks to heal.
So you want the details!? My experience was nearly identical to richwfox’s account above. Shaving my face went fine but when I moved up to my head, on the upstroke from my ear to the top of my head (a move I have done many thousands of times) I felt that telltale hitch and knew I had cut myself. I have been shaving my head for nearly 15 years and cuts happen occasionally–more with some razors, less with others. I soldiered on as usual and then it happened again… same maneuver on the other side, same result. But when I looked in the mirror to survey the damage what I saw was HORRIFIC! Blood was literally pouring down both sides of my head…. and when I looked at the razor I found two 1/4″ x 3/4″ strips of my head wedged behind the blades. Yeah, totally f’ing gross… and richwfox’s reference to a “crime scene” is not hyperbole, there was blood everywhere: in the shower, on the bathmat, across the floor to the sink, and soaking a towel that I compressed with a belt around my head for an hour to get the bleeding to stop. This was like no razor cut I have EVER experienced, this was like taking a cheese grater to the side of my head. And yeah, it friggin’ hurts!
Bottom line: will I ever use that Harry’s razor again? Never. Would I recommend them to anyone else? Answered in the first sentence.
I encouraged my husband to buy Harry’s razors because of all of the publicity referencing their quality and great price. He considered how much he was spending on his razors and decided to give Harry’s a try. Twice, while shaving his head, he experienced exactly the same type of injury. I say injury because you cannot fault an experienced shaver who never had this type of mishap when they get such significant ‘scalpings’ from what is touted as a superior razor.
Two severe injuries later and weeks of going to work with badges on his otherwise bald head have made for one very dissatisfied customer and one wife who will NEVER give razor suggestions again!
Harry’s is by far the best shaver I’ve ever used. I’ve been using Gillette’s most expensive shaver since it came out and this beets it by a statute mile! Don’t listen to those saying it doesn’t shave up under the nose or the blades are too far apart. The blades seem to stay sharp way longer. There is almost no pull as you move the blade across your face. And all this for 1/2 the price ! Buy it!
Head Shaver here. Harry’s razors also removed a dime size piece of my scalp when shaving. Blood everywhere… as other’s mentioned, “like a crime scene.” Terrible product.
I agree that Harry’s is over rated as mentioned by Martin in his review. I didn’t have quite the same problem BUT I found their shave cream to not be all that great although the fragrance was nice, but that doesn’t give you a clean shave. Maybe it is my beard but the razor just didn’t work. Also, what about around your nose? The more blades you have the more difficult it is. I am sticking with my Gillette Track ll . Works first time every time. AND, I can get refill blades, package of ten for around $14.00 CDN at Walmart. I also don’t like how the plastic head of the blade bends. I prefer a solid firm head. So, I already gave away my Harry’s Winston model which cost me $47.00 CDN after shipping etc. etc. and won’t be recommending them anytime soon.
Head shaver as well, I have to say I have not had the same problem. Been using a Fusion for years now, my son (15) talked me in to trying Harry’s. The head shave has been fine, face shave as well, but the neck… oh it burns! I’m wondering if it’s the fault of the razor or the shaving cream, so I may try other soaps before totally giving up on them, since the price and convenience of automatic shipping are pretty compelling.
Eh. Harry’s is a triumph of marketing and style over real quality. In my experience the razors are impossible to clean and have a useful life about 1/3 of a comparable (mach 3) Gillette product. Had a similar experience with Schick. Haven’t tried Dollar Shave club. Am back to Gillette. If harry’s would work to fix the widely reported problem of blades too close together it might equal Gillette’s longevity and become competetive. Too bad.
I recently decided to try ‘alternate’ options to the Gillette monopoly. I got the DSC Executive, the Harry’s Truman, and a Edwin Jagger safety razor. I’m a head and face shaver and I find all three ranging from acceptable, to fantastic. The DSC is my least liked – it tends to tug the whiskers and the entire cartridge just drags/pulls the skin a bit too much. The Harry’s works fantastic, IMO, but also pulls the skin a bit more than a Gillette Fusion. However, the shave rivals the DE in closeness. The safety razor is the most comfortable by a long shot, but add’s a fairly substantial amount of time to the shave. However, it’s easier on my skin, and produces a very nice shave.
All three are great alternatives to the highway robbery that is Gillette. YMMV.
After seeing the barrage of ads from various online purveyors of razors bemoaning the incredible expense of shaving, I really wondered what the problem was. I have been buying Gillette Mach III Turbo razors at Costco for years (decades maybe). The razors cost a little less than $2 a piece and last me a month, shaving every day. And I do not have a light beard. Actually, I could probably go longer but the fresh blade does pull a little less at the beginning of the month. Is $24 a year for shaving really a financial burden that requires all these online start-ups to solve.
I decided to give Harry’s a try and see what all the fuss was about. It was only $3 for the free trial S&H, so why not?
First impressions were positive. Everything arrived on time and nicely packaged. The five blade razor head seemed a bit less bulky than the Gillette Fusion models I tried a few times when they sent me free ones in the mail. It lacked the trim blade, but that was pretty useless on the Gillettes as it didn’t last anywhere near as long as the main blades.
The first shave was OK. It didn’t seem any better than my Mach III but not worse either.
But within a few days, the Harry’s razor started to pull. By a week it was worse than the Gillettes are after a month. At 10 days, I had to give up and throw it away. On top of that, the 5 blade head, while smaller than Gillette’s is still too big. The whole five blade thing is just silly. Frankly, three blades is unnecessary as well. If Costco still carried the old twin blade Gillette Sensor I use to use, I’d still be buying those.
I suspected a problem when I looked at the “Shave Plans”. They seemed to indicate that a razor would only last about 5 shaves as opposed to the 30+ I get out of a Gillette.
So, I’m done with Harry’s and probably won’t bother with Dollar Shave Club or Dorco either, unless they want to sent me some free samples.
Hey there. Gillette Trac ll still available at Walmart for around $15 for ten blades. Been using it for years and Harry’s is marketing over quality. See if you can find the Trac ll
Well, we DO have to say that initially, the Shane received with this razor was better than with the Fusion and we WERE going to purchase refills, HOWEVER . . .
3 days after initial use?
The darn thing BROKE !!!
NEVER, have I EVER had a Fusion break
Sticking with the Fusion
Harry’s = ouch, need I go into details? Dollar shave club, Harry’s, Gillette? Could there be a better option?Save money and get my face torn apart. Actually I never had a cartridge razor agree with my face. I use to only shave once or twice a week because every single time I would shave my skin would break out.
I started to research my best options for the sake of my skin. The more I read the more I understood a lot of men and women are starting to go back to the ways it was done before the cartridge razor. Could it be for just the fact that the single double edge blades are only pennies a piece? Besides the blades being so much cheaper the single double edge blade is so much better on my skin. I get the closest shave I ever experienced in my whole life. Within 2 weeks my skin looked the best it has since I was a teenager.
I definitely encourage anyone especially if you are one who gets ingrown hairs in the neck area or have sensitive skin pick up a safety razor watch a few YouTube videos on the correct way to shave with a safety razor and give it a try.
Haven’t seen a safety razor in years but would consider going back. Where would I find one? I have never seen at Walmart or Target. Hope someone can help.
Harry’s is a walk on the wild side. The blades are extraordinarily sharp, the handle extraordinarily slippery. Given a gift of the razor and several cartridges, I shaved and lost grip 3-4 times per shave before the blood and scraped layers of skin encouraged me to stop. Think at least three times before you take the risk. Or look to their burgeoning group of competitors who have safe handles.
Tried these razors for the first time and got the WORST CUT. Almost had to go to the hospital. Design flaw!! Shave carefully my friends!!
I need Moore blades.
In my experience, these are the worst blades I have ever used. I normally get 3 months use out of each Gillette Fusion cartridge. So, I thought if I could get somewhere near that with Harry’s, I could save a significant amount of money. Alas, it was not to be. Harry’s blades never gave me a close shave even when brand new. And Harry’s cuts me, often, which almost never happens with the Fusion. Finally, I went back to a Fusion cartridge that had been used every day for 2-1/2 months. That old cartridge gave me a much better shave than a brand new Harry’s! Also, I find the handle to be too light. It felt like I was shaving with a disposable. Actually, the shave was like that of a disposable, too – horrible!
My wife purchased the Harry’s blades for me thinking that they would be a good costs savings since I had always used the high priced Fusion blades. These blades are JUNK! I will use a cheap disposable razor before ever allowing one of these to come in contact with my face again. First issue is the short life span, 2 shaves and they are already pulling hair out at the roots. The second issue was the scalping these things have given me twice now, the first time I thought it was a fluke, the second time it done exactly the same thing and peeled off a perfect 1/2″ long filet off my chin! I told my wife she could butcher her legs with them if she wished, otherwise to pitch them in the trash!
Head Shavers check out Facebook page: “Harry’s Class Action Investigation”. One of you would make a great class representative. Please leave your comments on FB.
I’ll just add my voice to the pack: I have been using Harry’s a few months, but have switched back to Dorco. Harry’s: blades feel great while shaving, nice simple razor (i.e. not a Star Trek design) BUT get cuts and nicks at least once every few days. I don’t get that with any other blade. Dorcos: cheaper, don’t feel as good, shave well and never a cut.
I will say that I really do not care at all about the packaging of my razors, since I throw that away.
Having received an enticing offer-by-mail from Harry’s (with an awesome Wooly Mammoth logo), I figured I’d research the product and company before committing. Besides performance that seems to vary across the board, the Social Mission of the company is confusing. Via Harrys.com – About – Social Mission, there are links to four of their philanthropic targets: The Representation Project; A Call to Men; Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM); and, The Bronx Freedom Fund. (I’ve examined each’s website.) The common thread of these organizations appears to be the reinterpreting of manhood and masculinity. Though their objectives can seem innocuous, or even laudible, I’ve learned not to expect hypocrisy when confronted with businesses that “support” social causes, as well as non-profits that are vague but sound great. Though I can’t be certain, I have a feeling Harry’s MAY be a gateway to nefarious and anti-Catholic initiatives. I welcome others’ perspectives on this (after you check out the Harry’s Social Mission trail.)
Ooops,… correction to previous posting should read: “… I’ve learned to expect hypocrisy…” or ” I’ve learned not to expect transparency…” I was thinking of hypocrisy and trust while typing, and thus initially included partials of two thoughts. Sorry.
Although I am Jewish I decided to leave a, comment very dissatisfied with the blades and totally wasted $189? Which I can verify