Category: Culture
Why All Males Need Rites of Passage
December 17, 2024
A rite of passage is necessary for boys to become men. They often need to be public and striking like an African tribe sending a boy out to kill a lion. It is cultural and needs a decision compared to the physical and natural rites of passages of women.
Big Families Are Not Enough
October 29, 2024
Too many fathers have adopted the same approach with their families, “planting the garden” but ignoring the ongoing and focused work so desperately needed in their home. Stewarding the growth of children is a father's obligation.
Is It Good For Man To Be Alone?
October 22, 2024
How many people are turned away from their vocation due to fear of loneliness? It is important when thinking of this question to understand the difference of solitude and isolation.
Fathers And The Adventure Of Life
October 15, 2024
With modern education, children are in a world centered on accomplishment rather than eternity. Fathers play a particular role in their children's spiritual upbringing.
First, Communion
October 8, 2024
The Church is always big enough for piety and for zeal, for work and for worship; though at a given moment, an individual’s faith might magnify one element of Christianity more than another.
Men Need Adventure: How the Christian Adventure Differs from the World’s
June 12, 2024
In an adventure, we look forward in expectation of something new and exciting, which will break us out of our routine of boredom. It implies that we are looking for something; that we expect something exciting to happen.
Kid Catholics
December 14, 2023
Humanity was created to grow toward virtue, which is nothing but the maturity of man’s created nature supported by grace. Being a “better Christian” in Sacred Scripture has little to do with what we might call enthusiasm; it is called maturity.
History Is A Memory. Tradition Is Alive.
March 30, 2021
King James IV of Scotland (r.1488-1512), one of the last Catholic monarchs of Scotland, was considered a true Renaissance man devoted to learning and enlightened rule. In addition to his pursuits in science and the arts, he had a particular interest in language and its origins. He was a polyglot and the last King of […]
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