Category: confession
Suffering The Consequences Of Sin
August 22, 2024
After time spent in the confessional, a priest, in due time, will begin to recognize that the genesis of a great deal of suffering is due to sin.
Repentance and the Religion of Beginning Again
February 3, 2018
As human beings, we possess real freedom as creatures made in the image and likeness of God, and with this freedom comes true creative potential. That is, through an act of the will, we can bring into being new thoughts, words, and acts that have never existed before. In a real way, we can create […]
4 Out of 5 Catholic Men Confess This Sin
January 12, 2016
They confess to looking at pornography and masturbating. It’s awkward, I know, to say it so candidly, but the only way to defeat pornography in our lives is to admit that we have a widespread problem with it. Vice, Firmly Entrenched By the time I was in high school, the habit of lusting after women via […]
10 Tips for Making a Good Confession
July 30, 2014
Making a good confession demands prior preparation. The better the prior preparation, the more abundant the graces and the more overflowing the river of peace in your soul. Following are ten short helps to make the best confession in your life. 1. Improving Your Reception As Catholics two of the most important actions we can accomplish are […]
Manly Movie Moment: Forgiveness in The Mission
July 28, 2014
While it is difficult for those who don’t frequent the sacrament of confession to understand, there is great joy to be found in true repentance. Perhaps one of the best illustrations of this joy is found in the 1986 movie, The Mission. First, some context. Rodrigo Mendoza is a former slave trader and mercenary, and he has spent years capturing […]
Let’s Talk About Porn
October 17, 2013
Let’s talk about porn. I know it it’s an uncomfortable subject, but ignoring it will do no good. The fact is, pornography addiction is a massive and growing problem—especially for men. If you don’t believe me, here are some shocking statistics: 12% of websites online are pornographic Every second, over 28,000 people are looking at […]
Go to Confession!
August 21, 2013
“If there is a heavenly idea in the Catholic Church, surely, next after the Blessed Sacrament, Confession is such.” -Blessed John Henry Newman Confession is one of my favorite sacraments, and I try to go as often as I can. But this wasn’t always the case. I am a convert, and I still remember the awkwardness […]
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