Category: Dress
Modesty Is for Men Too
January 24, 2024
Clothes should focus us on our dignity. Clothes direct people to our faces and therefore foster personal relationships. Clothes have a moral, not just a practical purpose. A good question for dress, then, is whether it is “personal” or objectifies us.
Be the Best Dressed: Fashion Advice from a Doctor of the Church
July 23, 2015
If you’re a member of a religious order, getting dressed in the morning is fairly simple: You have the choice of one outfit—your habit. For the rest of us, choosing our clothing can be a bit more complicated. While many men are not fashion inclined, like it or not, what we wear communicates something about […]
Introducing Catholic Gentleman T-Shirts!
June 13, 2014
For months now, I’ve been getting requests for Catholic Gentleman t-shirts. And now they’re finally here! These fun and sturdy cotton tees sport the bold tiara and pipes logo, and they’ll let the world know that you’re a Catholic gentleman extraordinaire. The tees currently come in white, grey, or tan, and they’re currently available for pre-order. What […]
Dress Up for Mass!
July 27, 2013
Society is growing more and more casual. I have seen people shopping for groceries in their pajama pants and fuzzy slippers. I’ve been to world-class classical concerts where people are dressed in Hawaiian shirts and jeans. In fact, it’s hard to think of anything people will dress up for anymore. Even weddings and funerals are getting […]
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