Category: Love
Big Families Are Not Enough
October 29, 2024
Too many fathers have adopted the same approach with their families, “planting the garden” but ignoring the ongoing and focused work so desperately needed in their home. Stewarding the growth of children is a father's obligation.
Is It Good For Man To Be Alone?
October 22, 2024
How many people are turned away from their vocation due to fear of loneliness? It is important when thinking of this question to understand the difference of solitude and isolation.
Views on Healthy Sexuality: The World vs. The Church
July 24, 2024
Many believe the Catholic teachings on sexual morality are antiquated and place too much of a burden on people today. However, it’s these very beliefs that help us understand what healthy relationships and sexuality are all about.
In Praise of Little Things (and Raising Little Ones)
June 26, 2024
If we neglect the little things, we neglect everything. The big things (marriage, careers, friendships, children) are made of the little things (an unnoticed good deed, a phone call with a friend, sharing a compliment just because).
Breaking the Idolatry of “Love”
May 22, 2024
Anyone in a successful marriage will attest that love entails sacrifice. Cultivating stable, harmonious family bonds is a life-long challenge. While love is something to be embraced, limerence is something to be discarded.
Loves Endures Forever: A Reflection on What Matters
August 2, 2021
The law of the world, the law of fallen nature, is the law of the jungle. What matters is power, prestige, and prowess. Only the strong survive. There are countless personal development gurus only too happy to tell you how to explode your stock portfolio, shred your physique, double your productivity, or attract more women—for […]
On Grilling and the Love of God
July 1, 2019
One of my favorite pastimes is grilling meat. While I am very much an amateur, I find the flavor of grilled meat to be far superior to meat cooked in any other way. Grilling is the polar opposite of perverse modern forms of cooking, barely worthy of the name, like heating something in a microwave. […]
Loving God Above All
December 27, 2018
In the Gospel of Mark, when a scribe questioned Jesus about the most important commandments, Jesus replied, “You shall love the Lord your God with all you heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” (Mark 12:30). Men, this is difficult to truly embrace. When you think about it […]
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