Category: Holidays
The Strength of Surrender: A Reflection for the New Year
December 27, 2019
“Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.” Matthew 6:34 A New Year is upon us. It’s that time for us to make our resolutions, to hit the gym in January and stop going sometime in February. It’s that time to give ourselves goals to […]
What Do You See? An Advent Reflection
December 16, 2019
The Virgin is with child…On the roads they pass by pagan Greeks and Samaritans and fellow Jews, shepherds and slaves and soldiers and traders, and divers others who along their way see naught more than a man and wife from Galilee. from The Rose: A Meditation Caesar, whom they called the son of the gods, […]
The Catholic Gentleman Gift List 2018
November 23, 2018
Christmas is fast approaching, and many of you are looking for the ideal gift for the Catholic man in your life. But let’s face it, men can be hard to buy for! Never fear. I’m here to help. Here are 10 great gift ideas that any man will love. The Catholic Gentleman Rosary This manly […]
On The Faith, Hope, and Love of Military Service: A Soldier’s Reflection
November 12, 2018
My time in service as an Army Officer is best characterized by three simple words. They are faith, hope, and love. Here when I use faith, I am not only referring to religious faith; though, that is one of the most important uses of the word. My faith in God is the starting point for […]
The Strange Humility of Christmas
December 29, 2017
Of all the tremendous mysteries of our faith, there is none more stupefying in its reality than the Incarnation. That God would deign to assume human flesh is a staggering fact, and it is one that a thousand different heresies has sought to doubt or deny. And yet, it is a fast so critical to […]
3 Reasons to Get Your Father a Catholic Gentleman Mug for Father’s Day
May 22, 2017
Men love coffee. Ever since the pope first blessed coffee for Catholic consumption, it has been part of the daily ritual of millions of men around the globe. It awakens, revivifies, and stimulates the intellect. It warms the body and fills the heart with gladness. It is a little bit like the elixir of life. Finding […]
The Catholic Gentleman’s Christmas Gift Guide 2016 Edition
December 2, 2016
Christmas is coming, and many of your are looking for the perfect gift for the Catholic man in your life. Yet, we men can be hard to buy for sometimes! Don’t worry, I’m here to help. Here’s 12 gift ideas that any man will love. The Catholic Gentleman Rosary This manly rosary features heavy, gunmetal steel […]
Praise, Thanksgiving, and the Priesthood of All Believers
November 23, 2016
Though it has been obscured during different ages of her life, the Church has taught the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers since the very beginning. Our baptism immerses us into the fullness of the life of Christ, granting us participation in his threefold role of prophet, priest, and king. Scripture goes so far as […]
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