Category: Priesthood
Discernment Is Not About You
November 12, 2024
The central question in discernment is: How shall I die with Christ, to rise with him? How will I lose my life to find it? What will bring me to the point where I can say, with St. Paul: “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me”?
Is It Good For Man To Be Alone?
October 22, 2024
How many people are turned away from their vocation due to fear of loneliness? It is important when thinking of this question to understand the difference of solitude and isolation.
Suffering The Consequences Of Sin
August 22, 2024
After time spent in the confessional, a priest, in due time, will begin to recognize that the genesis of a great deal of suffering is due to sin.
A Father’s Priestly Duty: Lead the Family in Prayer
August 14, 2024
A father’s work is cultivated in the home, doing the difficult things like creating order, discipline, and structure. A father’s work demands that we engage in family life, not just be casual observers.
Ember Days 101
December 13, 2022
The Ember Days are special days for prayer and fasting during the liturgical year. They correspond to the four seasons, and they focus our attention especially on the blessings of nature. On the Ember Days, we give thanks for blessings we’ve received, but also remind ourselves of our need for penance and grace.
What Jayber Crow Can Teach Us About the Priesthood and Celibacy
April 4, 2019
As someone who sees perennial bachelorhood as a societal sickness, recommending Jayber Crow by Wendell Berry might seem counterproductive. Jayber, Berry’s main character in the novel, is a small-town barber that finds himself an “ineligible bachelor,” as he puts it. He never marries, never has kids, and in that way is “free” of the burdens […]
Grab your Pint Glasses, Buy a Priest a Beer Day is Coming!
September 4, 2018
Grab your pint glasses and phone your Fathers! This Sunday, September 9, is International Buy a Priest a Beer Day! On this festive day, faithful Catholics all over the world take their priests out for a beer and get to know them better. It’s a beautiful Catholic tradition that goes back to the time of […]
Grab your Pint Glasses: International Buy a Priest a Beer Day is Coming!
September 5, 2017
Grab your pint glasses and phone your Fathers! Next Saturday, September 9*, is International Buy a priest a beer day! On this festive day, faithful Catholics all over the world take their priests out for a beer and get to know them better. It’s a beautiful Catholic tradition that goes back to the time of […]
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