Category: Education
Fathers And The Adventure Of Life
October 15, 2024
With modern education, children are in a world centered on accomplishment rather than eternity. Fathers play a particular role in their children's spiritual upbringing.
History Is A Memory. Tradition Is Alive.
March 30, 2021
King James IV of Scotland (r.1488-1512), one of the last Catholic monarchs of Scotland, was considered a true Renaissance man devoted to learning and enlightened rule. In addition to his pursuits in science and the arts, he had a particular interest in language and its origins. He was a polyglot and the last King of […]
Pornography and Education Part 2: Reopening Windows of Wonder
May 8, 2018
My school was recently visited by two monks from the Benedictine Monastery in Norcia, Italy. After talking to our students joyfully about the monastic life, they told the faculty gravely that one of the main reasons they turn down their many applicants is the problem of pornography. They gave us their opinion that there is no […]
Pornography and Education: Closing Windows of Wonder
May 1, 2018
In older days, a young woman was assigned her first teaching post in a rural Irish schoolhouse. Though a diligent and disciplined person, she had difficulty capturing the attention of her rowdy students. Then one day, unruly as usual, she happened to say something about Cuchulain. “Who’s Cuchulain?” one boy asked. The teacher began to […]
Wholeness, Happiness, and the Difference Between Knowledge and Wisdom
May 4, 2017
A friend recently remarked that it’s those that gather and control data that own the future. I understand what he meant (I think), but, if we dig a bit, I suspect we would doubt that the data-controllers of the day, however intelligent they are, have what we would call wisdom. Education today is ordered toward […]
Why Boarding Schools Are Good for Teenage Boys
April 23, 2015
Teenage boys will not be freed from the bog they are immured in by new-fangled modifications and medications, but by old-fashioned reason and remedies. Boys today suffer from despondency, lack of direction, and a masculine identity crisis, overwhelmed as they are by widespread feminization, relativism, pornography, and cultural collapse. The quandary is rooted in a […]
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