Category: Saints
Our Circle of Support: The Saints
September 18, 2024
All the saints are centered on God and they seek to pull us into that center through their prayers and support.
Opening Day, Catholicism, and Looking Up to the Saints
April 7, 2022
The greatest heroes will always be those who can leave it all behind, for the sake of God.
St. Maximilian Kolbe: Tribute to a Seed
January 8, 2021
St. Maximilian Kolbe was born Raymond Kolbe on this day in 1894. Today marks the 127th anniversary of the birth of this great saint and patron of the The Catholic Gentleman. “No one in the world can change Truth.” – St. Maximilian Kolbe My father collected comic books for as long as I can remember. So […]
The Saints We Touch: The Example of Ordinary Holiness
August 5, 2020
I’ve never been good at initiating hugs. I’m pro-hugging, and very much so, it’s just that I’ve always felt awkward with being the first to spread his arms and move in for the hug. “Zubair,” Louis Coker, OFS, would say before spreading his arms and moving in on me, “my brother.” He had a knack […]
Cardinal Newman’s Simple Rule of Life
March 10, 2017
Blessed John Henry Newman was a Cardinal of the Catholic Church and one of the most famous English converts to the faith. While he was a distinguished man of letters, an erudite apologist, and an accomplished prelate, he was known most of all for his holiness of life, the result of which has been his recent […]
Patience and Perfection
November 8, 2016
As many of you know, we recently moved. Moving is hard work, and unpacking is only the beginning. After all of your belongings are unpacked, you must begin the arduous process of making the home your own. Finding a place for everything, painting, hanging pictures, arranging furniture, fixing and perhaps even building. It can take a […]
St. Thomas More: A Saint for the Persecuted Church
July 28, 2016
St. Thomas More is one of the great English saints of the Church and he is a wonderful saint for those individuals who are undergoing persecution for their Christian faith. St. Thomas More was born in 1478 in London where his father was a lawyer and judge. He received a stellar education at St. Anthony’s school […]
Fire of Love: Lessons from St. Maximilian Kolbe
August 14, 2015
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