Category: Spiritual Weapons
Strategies for Spiritual Warfare
May 1, 2024
The best way to engage in spiritual warfare, therefore, is not to pray against the evil directly but to pray for what is positive. The best way to counter all that is ugly, evil, and false is to support all that is beautiful, good, and true
Imagination and the Will: What You Gaze On Is What You Become
February 2, 2021
How many times have you vowed to exercise more, eat better, or get more sleep? Or on a spiritual level, promised yourself that you were going to pray more consistently, practice certain virtues, or embrace asceticism more willingly? Yet, when it comes time to move idea into action, from commitment to practice, something within us […]
Americans: Join Us in Prayer for Our Nation
July 4, 2018
“Let us always keep before our eyes the fact that here on earth we are on a battlefield and that in paradise we shall receive the crown of victory.” – Padre Pio All great saints and holy teachers of the faith testify that the spiritual life is a continual warfare against three enemies: the world, the […]
Memento Mori: 5 Benefits of Remembering Your Death
January 13, 2016
On the freeway near my home is a rather somber flashing sign that updates travelers on the number of traffic deaths for the year. It is certainly sobering to see the number rise each week. At the beginning of last year the number was zero. By the end of 2015, it was 556. The purpose of the […]
Spiritual Combat: Weapons for Your Arsenal
November 5, 2015
The word of God teaches us that our life on earth is warfare and the Lord reminds us that if we have decided to follow the Lord we must be prepared for combat. The Sacrament of Confirmation strengthens the Gifts of the Holy Spirit within our souls and transforms us into “Soldiers of Christ” the […]
Spiritual Weapons: The Name of Jesus
March 13, 2014
“Flog your enemies with the Name of Jesus, for there is no weapon more powerful in heaven or on earth.” – St. John Climacus “Blessed be the Name of Jesus.” – The Divine Praises Among the spiritual weapons in our arsenal, there are none as powerful as the Holy Name of Jesus. The saints have […]
Spiritual Weapons: The St. Benedict Medal
February 17, 2014
In Scripture, St. Peter tells us to be sober and watchful because, “your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). The devil is real, and he wants to destroy you and me through any means possible. That’s why it’s so important that we fight back with […]
Spiritual Weapons: Holy Water
December 2, 2013
In her many rituals, the Catholic Church uses elements from creation: oil, ashes, burning incense, and more. Of these elements, water is one of the most common and the most rich in symbolism. Today, I specifically want to discuss Holy Water, which is a powerful spiritual weapon for your arsenal. Origins and Meaning The symbolic […]
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