Category: Prayer
Our Circle of Support: The Saints
September 18, 2024
All the saints are centered on God and they seek to pull us into that center through their prayers and support.
Suffering The Consequences Of Sin
August 22, 2024
After time spent in the confessional, a priest, in due time, will begin to recognize that the genesis of a great deal of suffering is due to sin.
A Father’s Priestly Duty: Lead the Family in Prayer
August 14, 2024
A father’s work is cultivated in the home, doing the difficult things like creating order, discipline, and structure. A father’s work demands that we engage in family life, not just be casual observers.
Why Can’t I Hear God?
May 15, 2024
When we open our minds and hearts to receive God’s Word, He speaks to us and the more we enter deliberately into God’s silence, we will become attuned to listening more closely.
Strategies for Spiritual Warfare
May 1, 2024
The best way to engage in spiritual warfare, therefore, is not to pray against the evil directly but to pray for what is positive. The best way to counter all that is ugly, evil, and false is to support all that is beautiful, good, and true
How Are You Bringing Worth to Others? The Gift of Self
April 17, 2024
One of the benefits of enjoying a Christian life is the contemplation prayer brings. It is critical to set aside time for daily reflection and prayer and bring clarity to our purpose in this life – to glorify God in all we do.
A Call for Renewal in the Church
December 22, 2023
Something is not right. Many of us feel something is missing from our lives. We long for a fresh start, a way of breaking out of our bad habits, and a path to living a more meaningful life. We’re oversaturated with technology. Our minds are distracted, our desires distorted, and we’re disconnected from others. But the truth is, we don't have to surrender to mediocrity. This January 1st, we can do something to make a lasting change.
Why You Need a Rule of Life & How to Make One
October 4, 2023
Very often I encounter Catholic men that desire to grow in holiness- whether this is to learn more about their faith, grow in prayer or tackle a serious sin in their life- but very often they are not sure exactly where to start. The challenge can be overwhelming (especially if we have been away from […]
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