Category: sacraments
How to Receive the Eucharist Worthily
July 17, 2024
Catholics receive the Eucharist regularly, but we do not focus our attention on preparing to receive Christ worthily and fruitfully in the sacrament. The danger is complacency and allowing obstacles to creep in that block the graces of the Eucharist from taking root in us.
Fathers, Bless Your Wives & Children
November 21, 2023
Children learn about their heavenly Father from their earthly fathers. Fathers should be the head of the family, strong leaders, faithful to their wives, and have a guiding hand in disciplining their children
Repentance and the Religion of Beginning Again
February 3, 2018
As human beings, we possess real freedom as creatures made in the image and likeness of God, and with this freedom comes true creative potential. That is, through an act of the will, we can bring into being new thoughts, words, and acts that have never existed before. In a real way, we can create […]
A Royal Priesthood: Salvation, Election and the Power of Mediation
November 3, 2017
The history of salvation is in many ways a history of mediation. In the Old Covenant, God raised up mediators in the form of priests and prophets—like Moses, Aaron, and Samuel—to intercede for the salvation of his people. These mediators were specifically chosen, often reluctantly, to carry out the divine mission. These men were types […]
7 Lessons from Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
November 17, 2014
Of all the gifts that God has given his Church, the greatest is without question the Blessed Sacrament, for it is nothing less than the body, blood, soul and Divinity of Jesus himself. In the Eucharistic host, our Divine Savior dwells among men in his fullness. He is truly God with us—what could be greater […]
Alive With Him: Living the Reality of the Resurrection
April 21, 2014
Yesterday, Christians around the world joyfully celebrated Easter— the highest and holiest feast of the liturgical year. We celebrated Christ’s triumph over death, sin, and hell through his glorious resurrection. It was a happy day, indeed! But Easter isn’t just an important liturgical feast, it is a reality to be lived. Today, I want to examine how living […]
St. Maximilian Kolbe on How to Have Heaven on Earth
April 7, 2014
Have you ever wondered what Heaven is like? I have. I mean, we talk about it all the time, but when we get down to it, we don’t know that much about it. We do know that we will behold God face to face there, and we also know that we will find the fulfillment […]
Get Married Young Man
December 14, 2013
This month, my wife and I celebrate our third anniversary. Laura is the best thing that has happened to me, and I count myself incredibly blessed to share my life with a woman who is beautiful, incredibly funny, virtuous and holy, industrious, strong, unfailingly cheerful, and a wonderful mother to our children. Before I met Laura, though, […]
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