Category: Pornography
Pornography and Marriage: Eight Myths
January 28, 2025
There are many misconceptions and myths about pornography use and marriage that need to be dispelled in order to heal many marriages and relationships. Let's get to the bottom of this sin and addiction that plagues our world today.
Views on Healthy Sexuality: The World vs. The Church
July 24, 2024
Many believe the Catholic teachings on sexual morality are antiquated and place too much of a burden on people today. However, it’s these very beliefs that help us understand what healthy relationships and sexuality are all about.
Fatherhood and the Rise of Pornography
April 3, 2024
God wants all men to be strong leaders, providers, and protectors. By recognizing our wounds and turning to God, and professionals when needed, the attachment wounds that fuel addiction can be healed!
Boundaries – 5 Tips to Maintain Chastity
January 10, 2024
Avoiding pornography requires a person to set clear boundaries with people, places, things, technology, and situations that might lead him to return to pornography use.
On Pornography: Temptation, Addiction, and Loving Thy Neighbor
May 4, 2022
In the internet age, this particular struggle has become one of the most common denominators for us men. Our moral development has simply been too slow to keep pace with our technological development. For those of us men who are tempted to look or struggling to quit looking, it certainly doesn’t help that our culture has become so saturated with sexual imagery over the past few decades.
Planning for Falls When Recovering from Porn
August 7, 2020
Bob came to me feeling very discouraged. He had slipped again into viewing pornography. He wanted to be completely honest about it and tell his wife; however, he didn’t know how to do it. He knew she would be very angry and disappointed. He didn’t want to hurt her, but he knew he had […]
Guilt, Shame, and Healing from Pornography
June 16, 2020
This post is part of an ongoing series on healing from pornography addiction. Read more posts in this series here. One of the most difficult obstacles to overcome for both the pornography user and his/her spouse is shame. In order to understand shame, we need to distinguish it from guilt: Guilt: An emotion that focuses […]
Battling Porn: How to Know if You’re Addicted
May 20, 2020
Because pornography use is so widely used and accepted today, many people may wonder if they are addicted to it. According to Dr. Mark Laaser (1992) pornography/sexual addiction is “any persistent and escalating unhealthy pattern of sexual behavior. It is compulsive in nature and used to avoid or change feelings despite destructive consequences to self […]
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