Category: Fathers
What a Father Can Give His Son
February 18, 2025
We must first know something before we can love it. In order for our children to love us and God better they must first know who we are as their fathers. To love and be loved by a father helps a child to reach their full potential.
Why All Males Need Rites of Passage
December 17, 2024
A rite of passage is necessary for boys to become men. They often need to be public and striking like an African tribe sending a boy out to kill a lion. It is cultural and needs a decision compared to the physical and natural rites of passages of women.
Discernment Is Not About You
November 12, 2024
The central question in discernment is: How shall I die with Christ, to rise with him? How will I lose my life to find it? What will bring me to the point where I can say, with St. Paul: “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me”?
Generational Warfare
November 5, 2024
Many of us are born into the mess called generational sin: The reality of a family or fatherly wound that often leads into sin for many generations. There are choices we can take to sever our relationship with these sins in our families.
Big Families Are Not Enough
October 29, 2024
Too many fathers have adopted the same approach with their families, “planting the garden” but ignoring the ongoing and focused work so desperately needed in their home. Stewarding the growth of children is a father's obligation.
Fathers And The Adventure Of Life
October 15, 2024
With modern education, children are in a world centered on accomplishment rather than eternity. Fathers play a particular role in their children's spiritual upbringing.
A Father’s Priestly Duty: Lead the Family in Prayer
August 14, 2024
A father’s work is cultivated in the home, doing the difficult things like creating order, discipline, and structure. A father’s work demands that we engage in family life, not just be casual observers.
In Praise of Little Things (and Raising Little Ones)
June 26, 2024
If we neglect the little things, we neglect everything. The big things (marriage, careers, friendships, children) are made of the little things (an unnoticed good deed, a phone call with a friend, sharing a compliment just because).
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