Category: Get Married Young Man
Get Thee Wedded: Shakespeare’s Advice on Finding a Wife
July 29, 2020
If it has been awhile since you’ve read The Tempest, it is definitely worth a re-read. If you haven’t ever read The Tempest…then how can you call yourself a gentleman? The play is about a man named Prospero. He is the former Duke of Milan who was betrayed and exiled by his brother to a […]
Get Married, Young Man, Part 5: How to Meet Good Women
February 6, 2014
This post is part of a series on dating and marriage. Previously, I wrote a list of things you should look for in a wife. Now, you might be thinking, That’s nice, but how on earth do I find a quality woman? That’s a fair question. The problem in answering it is that there are dozens of […]
Get Married Young Man, Part 4: What to Look for in a Wife
January 21, 2014
Who you marry is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. It will change the course of your life, and make it can make it either a little taste of heaven, or a foretaste of hell. Who you marry will shape your future family, impacting your children and even your children’s children. Did I mention […]
Get Married Young Man, Part 3: 5 Ways to Prepare Yourself
January 13, 2014
Marriage is wonderful, but it brings with it a lot of responsibilities and duties. Scripture and the teaching of the Church are quite clear— the husband is the head of the home, and he bears the primary responsibility before God for its happiness and holiness. In imitation of Jesus, the husband is the prophet, priest, […]
Get Married, Young Man, Part 2: What is Marriage?
December 20, 2013
This post is part of a series on dating and marriage. In the previous post, I wrote about the importance of dating intentionally— that is, dating with the clear goal of marriage. But before we go any further, I believe it is important to define what a true, sacramental marriage actually is, especially in light […]
Get Married, Young Man, Part 1: Dating to Marry
December 17, 2013
This post is part of a series on dating and marriage. For years now, I’ve had an interested in World War II. I especially love reading first hand accounts of battle from the heroic and courageous men who fought in this war, such as those contained in books by Marcus Brotherton and Stephen Ambrose. But stories […]
Get Married Young Man
December 14, 2013
This month, my wife and I celebrate our third anniversary. Laura is the best thing that has happened to me, and I count myself incredibly blessed to share my life with a woman who is beautiful, incredibly funny, virtuous and holy, industrious, strong, unfailingly cheerful, and a wonderful mother to our children. Before I met Laura, though, […]
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