All That We Owe: A Thanksgiving Reflection
November 20, 2019
When learned men begin to use their reason, then I generally discover they haven’t got any. G.K. Chesterton Tis an age of scientific marvels. Let’s imagine a group of researchers board a spaceship and travel through space a thousand light years, to a distant planet the size of a star. NASA has long searched for […]
The 2019 Catholic Gentleman Christmas Gift List
November 13, 2019
It’s that time of year again: time to start thinking about Christmas gifts for the Catholic gentlemen in your life. Here are 10 gift ideas sure to delight any Catholic Man. 1. The Catholic Gentleman: Living Authentic Manhood Today What it means to be a man or a woman is questioned today like never before. […]
Faith, Firmness, and Freedom: What a Pope Can Teach Us
November 6, 2019
It was a July night in 2003. We, the college-aged men and women lodging in two Georgetown townhouses, were sitting in our cozy circle in a small living room. My friends and I were all interning that summer, we were a formal group of Muslim interns in Washington D.C. Living in a swanky neighborhood was […]
Be Not Afraid: 5 Ways to Have Hope in Dark Times
October 25, 2019
Among Catholics who love our Lord Jesus, there is a great deal of interior suffering and perplexity of late. The reason is no mystery. The forces of evil have been unleashed on the world, and the the spirit of wickedness, the spirit of anti-Christ, grows ever stronger, like the thick, black clouds of a threatening […]
They’re back! Stoneware Mugs are Now Available for Pre-Order
October 16, 2019
Here are a few customer reviews:
A Morning Mass
October 15, 2019
It is a Saturday morning. I wake while it is still dark and blindly shuffle into my clothes. My children sleep. The world is still as I step into the chill morning air to attend the early morning Low Mass at the Abbey of Our Lady of Clear Creek. I arrive at the monastery while […]
Our Lady of Victory: What the Rosary Can Do For Us Today
October 7, 2019
One day, through the Rosary and the Scapular, Our Lady will save the world. St. Dominic On a pleasant afternoon in the spring of 2008, I was praying in my room in New York. It had been less than a full year since I was baptized as a Christian. It would be another four years […]
Be Proud of Your Faith: You Never Know Who it Will Save
September 18, 2019
On a cloudy January day in 2007 a young man was walking along the Hudson River in New York. “Is this what life is?” he kept asking himself. The city he had moved to, that magical place where he thought he might “find himself,” could be so draining. The young man was single. Most of […]
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