Category: Gentleman Saints
St. Joseph, Pray for Us
May 1, 2014
Pull out your highlighters. What word stands out most when you read Matthew 1:24? Isn’t it that small, overused, three-letter word our English teachers told us to avoid? “When Joseph awoke, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded.” Joseph did. It’s that simple. Saint Joseph is the patron saint of workers and fathers, […]
Gentleman Saint: Saint Valentine
February 14, 2014
Ah yes, St. Valentine’s day is here again. For one day each year, the world turns pink and red, floral shops and chocolatiers turn a handsome profit, and candlelight makes a comeback at dinner time. But buried and forgotten somewhere beneath chocolates and candy hearts lies a courageous man named St. Valentine. Let’s learn a little […]
15 Heresies and the Manly Saints Who Fought Them
December 5, 2013
The history of the Catholic Church is full of all sorts of heresies that have assailed the truths of the faith. From the earliest days of the Gnostics and Docetists all the way down to the Jansenists and Quietists of later centuries, it seems there has never been a shortage of heretical thought. But in […]
Gentleman Saint: St. Francis Borgia
November 10, 2013
Borgia—the name has a ring of infamy. Historically, the Borgia family is associated with crime, promiscuity, papal corruption, and power-mongering, and this sad legacy is remembered to this day. But while the popular imagination fixates on the sins of the Borgia family, there is a great saint who also bears the name of Borgia—a man […]
Gentleman Saint: St. Louis IX, King of France
August 25, 2013
One of the most fascinating things about the saints is how different they are. Some were wealthy nobleman, others were poor peasants, others were doctors, lawyers, or soldiers. There is a saint from almost every state in life. The one thing they all have in common is holiness—an intense love for God that inspired great […]
Gentleman Saint: Blessed John Henry Newman
August 4, 2013
“We can believe what we choose. We are answerable for what we choose to believe.” Blessed John Henry Newman was one of the most important Catholic converts in the last 200 years. His contributions to the Church are hard to estimate, and his life is a shining witness to the courage in following the truth. […]
Gentleman Saint: St. Francis de Sales
July 19, 2013
Saints are anything but boring. Some levitated, bilocated, and saw visions of heaven and hell. Others served the poor, reformed the Church, converted foreign countries, or otherwise lived heroic lives without performing a single miracle. And some were gentleman saints, exemplifying the virtues of manliness in a unique way. St. Francis de Sales is the […]
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