Category: Habits
Marriage Will Not Cure Your Lust
October 25, 2023
The single life is the time to gain self-mastery, to learn true freedom through self-denial, and to learn to look forward to the sanctification of your future spouse. You should be praying for her now, not longing for a female body to play with. It’s time to grow up and conquer lust because marriage is not the cure for your slavery. Freedom is.
The Name of the Demon That Steals Rest, Makes You Scroll, and Inspires Overworking
October 18, 2023
There is a demon that the saints, especially the desert fathers, recognized in this vein – the one that comes in the daytime, during our work, to propel us further into nothingness. He was called “the noonday devil” precisely because he comes in the light of day while we are at our normal duties and work.
Why You Need a Rule of Life & How to Make One
October 4, 2023
Very often I encounter Catholic men that desire to grow in holiness- whether this is to learn more about their faith, grow in prayer or tackle a serious sin in their life- but very often they are not sure exactly where to start. The challenge can be overwhelming (especially if we have been away from […]
Don’t Make New Year’s Resolutions
January 2, 2019
There is something about a new year that psychologically feels like a new beginning. Of course, nothing has really changed other than rather numbers on the calendar. But it feels like a fresh start, nonetheless, and as a result, resolutions are en vogue this time of year. The captains of commerce are well aware of this, […]
Attention and the Distraction Addiction
June 2, 2017
There are two ways to go through life: Mindfully or mindlessly. In the first instance, we pay attention. We see things and notice them in order to appreciate them. We hear things in order to understand them. We seek to know things not superficially but in their wholeness. We live in the present moment and […]
Cardinal Newman’s Simple Rule of Life
March 10, 2017
Blessed John Henry Newman was a Cardinal of the Catholic Church and one of the most famous English converts to the faith. While he was a distinguished man of letters, an erudite apologist, and an accomplished prelate, he was known most of all for his holiness of life, the result of which has been his recent […]
How to Overcome Bad Habits
January 15, 2016
On Fridays, I post excerpts from the writings of the great American bishop and media evangelist, Ven. Fulton J. Sheen. I call them #FultonFridays. “I have a bad temper,” or “I drink too much”—“”I am always criticizing,” or “I am lazy” are familiar complaints from those who still believe that nobility of character is an important […]
4 Out of 5 Catholic Men Confess This Sin
January 12, 2016
They confess to looking at pornography and masturbating. It’s awkward, I know, to say it so candidly, but the only way to defeat pornography in our lives is to admit that we have a widespread problem with it. Vice, Firmly Entrenched By the time I was in high school, the habit of lusting after women via […]
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