Category: Lent
Lent, Suffering, and the Death that Brings Life
March 5, 2017
Lent is here, and quite frequently the weather suits the sombre tone of the season. Ashen gray skies and the bare reaching arms of trees create an atmosphere that is at once stark and solemn. Yet this season is not entirely bleak or without hope. Warmer days replete with sunshine break up the gloom, and […]
Liquid Bread: The Top 5 Bock Beers for Lent
March 4, 2015
So you gave up dessert for Lent? Good for you, you wimp! Once upon a time, German monks ate nothing for the entirety of the Lenten fast. No bread, no salad, no fruit—nothing. Beat that. How did they survive, you ask? By imbibing large quantities of heavy, calorie rich beer, of course! Around 700 years ago, German monks in the town […]
This Lent, Prepare Yourself for a Marian Consecration
February 20, 2015
Want to drop a V6 engine into your Volkswagen Bug prayer life? Would you like to battle sin and Satan and sabotage like the mighty saints of yore? Then gird your loins, get on your knees, and prepare yourself for Marian Consecration. Come, Holy Spirit, living in Mary… Today, Friday, February 20th, is not only […]
Catholicism and the Cross
February 18, 2015
St. Peter was riding high. Jesus had just asked the disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” While the rest of the disciples stumbled around in confusion, Peter hit a home run. “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Then, moments later, Jesus blesses him and entrusts him with the keys of his […]
Don’t Waste Your Lent: 7 Ways to Have a Good Lent
February 4, 2015
Lent is a season of penance and ascetical warfare. The enemy is concupiscence, the world, and the devil. The goal is pure hearts so that we can joyfully celebrate the resurrection of our Lord at Easter, the greatest feast of the liturgical year. In a way, Lent should be a microcosm of our entire struggle on […]
A Lenten Giving Opportunity
March 18, 2014
“It is more blessed to give than to receive.” – Our Lord Jesus Christ As a rule, I don’t promote giving to specific causes, but I recently wrote about the importance of almsgiving during Lent, and now, I’ve become aware of an opportunity to do just that. Allow me to break my own rule and share a little about […]
Why is Lent 40 Days?
March 7, 2014
In the English language, the special season before Easter is called “Lent.” The word comes from the “lengthening” of daylight hours as we progress from the darkness of winter to the new light of spring. But other languages, such as Spanish, have a name for this season that is derived from the word for forty. […]
Preparing for a Good Lent: Almsgiving
March 4, 2014
“We should strive to keep our hearts open to the sufferings and wretchedness of other people, and pray continually that God may grant us that spirit of compassion which is truly the spirit of God.” – Saint Vincent de Paul Believe it or not, tomorrow is already Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. Today, we […]
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