Category: Books
You Can’t Buy Holiness
July 10, 2018
I don’t have a book problem, I tell my wife, I have a bookshelf problem. Our home is overflowing with books on every conceivable topic, with nearly every bookshelf double stacked. Yet, despite this superabundance of tomes, my wishlist remains filled with hundreds more books I would like to buy in the future. No matter […]
Book Giveaway: An Immovable Feast
April 3, 2018
For the past several years, I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know author, poet, and musician, Tyler Blanski. Tyler was an Anglican seminarian when I met him, on the road to becoming an Anglican priest. There was only one difficulty: He had recently had a crisis of faith and was increasingly drawn to Rome. […]
Food as a Defender of Culture
May 16, 2016
Of the myriad heavenly and earthly themes that season the epic poem The Odyssey, one of the most central is the meal. Homer uses eating, drinking, and the customs surrounding meals as a touchstone of character that reflects a person’s inmost nature. Thus is illustrated the true selves of the swinish suitors as they devour another man’s abundance; […]
Overcoming Sinful Anger
March 18, 2015
If you read anything by St. Francis de Sales, you come away with the impression that he was patience incarnate. He talks endlessly about the wonderful benefits of meekness, gentleness, and kindness—especially to those who deserve it least. Yet, many don’t realize that this great saint struggled for most of his life with a fiery temper […]
Jesus is the Gift for You this Advent
December 9, 2014
If you’re like me, Advent is a difficult season to celebrate, and is often overlooked. Before the first candle on the Advent wreath is even lit, our schedules fill up with gifts to buy, errands to run, and parties to attend. Through the hustle and bustle, we can forget the true purpose of Advent, to […]
Be Not Afraid: A Book of Quotes for Catholic Men
December 3, 2014
We live in an age of soundbites and bullet points, in which fragmented attention is a fact of life. It is often difficult to find time to finish a lengthy article or essay, much less a book. That’s one reason why I love quotes. A good quote can inspire, rebuke, motivate, or encourage you in […]
Catholic Manly Reads – He Leadeth Me
November 10, 2014
When we think of the great Jesuit missionaries, we think of men such as St. Francis Xavier, St. Isaac Jogues and St. Paul Miki, who gave their lives toiling in foreign lands to preach the Gospel. Yet their stories seem to be from the distant past; where are the great missionaries today? He Leadeth Me, […]
Manly Catholic Reads: Joseph’s Way
September 12, 2014
“Often a father believes that being married and having children hinders him, if it does not altogether disqualify him, from achieving great sanctity.” To dispel this incorrect notion, Devin Schadt, in his book, Joseph’s Way, the Call to Fatherly Greatness, lays out practical ways for fathers to become saints within the day-to-day life of the […]
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