Category: Lifestyle
Get Your Beard On: A Call to Untrimmed Spirituality in a Clean-Shaven World
March 31, 2014
The following is a guest post from Tyler Blanski—a writer who possesses a beard of medieval proportions. Tyler is the author of When Donkeys Talk and Mud and Poetry. From bearded indie rockers to hipster barkeeps, facial hair is in. And with it come rumors of a holy renaissance. Men and women everywhere are rediscovering the hairy […]
Catholic in the Cubicle, Part 2: Interacting with Co-Workers
March 26, 2014
The following is a guest post by Bob Waruszewski. In my first post, I talked about three ways to be Catholic at the cubicle. As a follow up, let’s look at some ways to be a Catholic Gentleman when interacting with our co-workers. 1) Use Words to Build Up, Not to Tear Down – Most […]
5 Ways to Project Confidence
March 10, 2014
“The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion.” Proverbs 28:1 Three days after I graduated from college, I moved from Wisconsin to Colorado, where my wife, who was then my fiancé, lived with her family. We had determined that we would begin our married life in the beautiful Rocky […]
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