St. Michael the Archangel, Defend Us in Battle
September 29, 2014
We’re in a spiritual war, and in this war there is no neutrality. The combatants are God, the Immaculate Virgin, the saints, the devil, demon hordes, angelic hosts of immense power, and you. The weapons are humble prayer, frequent fasting, and unwavering faith. “For we are not contending against flesh and blood,” says St. Paul, “but against the […]
The Thrill of the Chase: Prayers and a Patron for a Virtuous Hunt
September 26, 2014
Hunting is unquestionably a manly sport. Here in the U.S., deer season is in full swing, and over the next few months, thousands of heavily camouflaged hunters will take to the woods with rifles and bows in pursuit of a trophy buck. But what many Catholic hunters don’t realize is that there is an ancient […]
The Weapon for These Times: 54 Day Rosary Novena for Divine Assistance
September 24, 2014
“The rosary is the weapon for these times.” – St. Padre Pio Have you read the news lately? It is seemingly nothing but terrorism, beheadings, mass murders, suicide, sexual anarchy, persecution, and even blatant Satan worship. While one might argue that such things have always existed in human history, I am convinced that evil is emboldened, and […]
In Defense of Gentlemanly Things
September 22, 2014
The following is a guest post by Jason Craig, Executive Director of Fraternus. Vanity turns us in on ourselves, like all sin. But in the case of the superficial or vain “gentleman” we are turned inward with the false image of being a man for others, a vanity more pitiable than others. The gentleman, after […]
Keep Dating Your Wife: 25 Ways to Show Your Wife You Love Her
September 17, 2014
In college, I got to know an elderly couple who took a real liking to me, and they would often have me over to their house and take me out to dinner. While they were nothing but kind to me, their relationship with each other was incredibly hostile. Every conversation would turn into an angry shouting […]
Lift High the Cross
September 15, 2014
The cross is a scandal. The cross is foolishness to the world. Sadly, all too many Catholics today are ashamed of the Holy Cross. Crucifixes are removed from sanctuaries. The mass is no longer described as the sacrifice of Calvary renewed and re-presented. Rather, it is portrayed simply a community meal, a time of fellowship and […]
Manly Catholic Reads: Joseph’s Way
September 12, 2014
“Often a father believes that being married and having children hinders him, if it does not altogether disqualify him, from achieving great sanctity.” To dispel this incorrect notion, Devin Schadt, in his book, Joseph’s Way, the Call to Fatherly Greatness, lays out practical ways for fathers to become saints within the day-to-day life of the […]
The Top 10 Reasons to be a Catholic Man
September 10, 2014
The following is a guest post by Matthew Christoff of The New Emangelization. In the post-modern “anything goes and nothing means anything” world, men are lost, not knowing what to believe or what to do. Seduced into pursuing their own selfish passions, post-modern men are manipulated like C.S. Lewis predicted they would be: “men without chests”, […]
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