Manly Movie Moment: Forgiveness in The Mission
July 28, 2014
While it is difficult for those who don’t frequent the sacrament of confession to understand, there is great joy to be found in true repentance. Perhaps one of the best illustrations of this joy is found in the 1986 movie, The Mission. First, some context. Rodrigo Mendoza is a former slave trader and mercenary, and he has spent years capturing […]
The Three Munera, Part 2: The Father as Priest
July 24, 2014
This post is part of a three part series. See part one here. As we continue our look at the three munera, or duties, of fatherhood revealed to us in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, we today turn our attention to the munus sanctificandi, or the father’s duty to sanctify his family. The Priesthood of Jesus Before we […]
Blessed are the Persecuted: Thoughts on the Genocide of Christians in Iraq
July 21, 2014
They cried out with a loud voice, “O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before thou wilt judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell upon the earth?” Revelation 6:10 If you aren’t aware of the ongoing genocide of Christians perpetrated by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), you need to be. The […]
6 Ways to Cultivate the Virtue of Humility
July 18, 2014
Humility is the foundation of all the other virtues hence, in the soul in which this virtue does not exist, there cannot be any other virtue except in mere appearance. —St. Augustine If you’ve read this blog for any time at all, you’ll know that I speak frequently about the importance of humility. The saints […]
Made for Pillows? Men, Boredom, and Pornography
July 16, 2014
Pornography is not free speech. Pornography is pernicious. So why do so many men look at pornography? I would like to suggest to you that the reason so many men look at pornography is not only lust, but boredom. Brothers, if you struggle with pornography, it’s time to ask yourself a question: What would Uriah […]
Talk: 5 Reasons Every Man Should Love the Blessed Virgin Mary
July 12, 2014
Is Marian devotion just for women and children? How does devotion to Mary relate to Catholic men? Find out in the talk below, which I gave to the Knights of St. Joseph in La Crosse, WI earlier this summer. Note: The audio quality is somewhat poor as there was a lot of echo in the […]
5 Steps to Tasting Beer Like a Connoisseur
July 8, 2014
For the past few years, I’ve been on what I like to call a beer adventure, meaning I’m trying as many different beers as I can. As I try different styles and breweries, I’m always amazed that four ingredients—water, yeast, malt, and hops—can produce such a wide variety of flavors. Anyway, the more beer I’ve tasted, the more I’ve […]
The Three Munera, Part 1: The Father as Prophet
July 7, 2014
In the introduction to this series, I wrote about how each father is entrusted with three duties, or munera in Latin, and that these three duties are modeled by Christ himself. While traditionally associated with the ordained priesthood, these duties just as much apply to the fathers of families, who also share in a priestly role, albeit […]
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