Custody of the Eyes: What it is and How to Practice It
June 12, 2014
Oh! how many are lost by indulging their sight! – St. Alphonsus de Ligouri If your eye offends you, pluck it out. – Jesus We live in a hyper-sexualized, even pornified culture, and if you’re a man who wants to be pure, you’re going to be involved in a constant warfare against lust. Everything from toothpaste […]
Lose Yourself: Finding Freedom in Mary’s Risky Yes
June 9, 2014
Did she really say that? Did she really mean it? I keep turning back to Luke 1:38, “And Mary said, ‘Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.’” I take a few minutes to present myself before God in silence. When my mind wanders, I return to […]
A Marked Man: Should Catholics Get Tattoos?
June 5, 2014
From small ankle tattoos to tattooed sleeves, I am seeing tattoos on men and women more and more frequently. In fact, an estimated 40 million Americans have at least one tattoo, and tattoo parlors are one of the fastest growing businesses in the U.S. With the increased popularity of tattoos comes the question of their morality. […]
What is the Goal of the Catholic Church?
May 31, 2014
Why did Christ establish one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church? Why did the eternal Son of God become incarnate of the Virgin Mary, call the Twelve, establish them on the rock that is Peter, give them the power to proclaim his Kingdom and even to absolve sins, and empower them with the Holy Spirit to […]
5 Ways to Love Your Wife
May 30, 2014
“The state of marriage is one which requires more virtue and constancy than any other; it is a perpetual exercise in mortification.”- St. Francis de Sales “He who loves his wife loves himself.” Ephesians 5:28 I married a wonderful woman. She’s beautiful, hilarious, generous, and incredibly strong. (I’ve watched her give birth. Trust me, she’s […]
Inebriate Me: Getting Drunk on God
May 28, 2014
Wherever the Catholic sun doth shine, There’s always laughter and good red wine. At least I’ve always found it so. Benedicamus Domino! ~ Hilaire Belloc (1870 – 1953) The television was on in the service center waiting area—Katie Couric was introducing her next guest. I was the only one there, and normally I’d just turn […]
Of Cigarettes, Christianity, and Cool
May 24, 2014
The following is a guest post by Richard Becker. I heard on the news that the FDA is getting all fired up about regulating e-cigarettes – possibly even banning them outright for youngsters. Why? E-cigs may not have the risks associated with ordinary cigarette smoke, but they’re still a vehicle for delivering nicotine – […]
Spiritual Combat: A Call to Arms
May 22, 2014
“Fight or die.” – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli Perhaps one of the greatest temptations in the Catholic life is that of complacency. We go through the motions, attending Mass on Sunday and maybe going to a parish program or two, but the Faith never really penetrates deep into our souls. It remains a superficial reality; just […]
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