This post is part of a series. I hated discipline in high school. I did not like to do homework. I did not like to get up early. It seemed like the only reason to be disciplined was to get good grades, then get into a good college, then get a good job, then get […]
This post is part of a series. One of the times Jesus says “Go!” is pretty scary. In the Gospel of Luke He sends His disciples on a preaching mission saying, “Go your way; behold I send you out as lambs among wolves” (Luke 10:3). I live on a little farm and I can tell […]
Today, I begin a series geared especially toward young men that have experienced a renewed commitment to Christ or a recent conversion. The series is titled Ite, is Latin for “go”. I once taught my three-year-old son to climb up on the lower branches of a cedar tree. I left for a while and when […]
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