Category: podcast

Protestant Business Exec Becomes On-Fire Catholic

August 23, 2023
He believed that the Catholic Church was run by Satan, the whore of Babylon, and that the anti-christ would come directly from the papacy. Our guest today, Jeremy Robinson, fought against Catholics and evangelized to win souls to Christ. However, one day while reading the Scripture verse, "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have," he was struck and realized he could not answer this question to atheists or agnostics. It was the beginning of his journey to become Catholic. He is now on-fire to bring everyone to the Catholic Faith while running a full-service video production company that makes videos for Mercedes, Google, IBM, Canon, Gillette, Marriott, American Airlines, and many more. This is a story of passion, fear, loss of friends, pain, and Grace.

This ONE Fundamental Discipline Changes Everything

August 16, 2023
To truly live a great life, you need to discipline your basic appetites, and this one desire hits us every day of our lives. We need men who understand and embrace fasting as the way to holiness that Christ clearly taught us. However, this spiritual practice gets confused and distorted in today's world. Men have become deadened to what is needed to reach the heights of perfection and truly live as a man. Today's guest, Fr. David Abernethy, shares the historical, ontological, and practical depths of this spiritual discipline. Learn how to stay motivated, consistent in your practice, and actually experience growth in holiness.

An Actor’s Life Crisis and the Lives of the Saints

August 9, 2023
To find oneself in a life crisis is not necessarily a bad thing. Questioning God's will for your life is a daily activity to grow in humility as well as provide further clarity and conviction for your actions. However, most people turn inwards and become bitter and frustrated by the challenge. Today's guest discusses how his life as a professional actor turned tough, and how he found a way out to better glorify God. Alex Dee, the creator of the Saints Alive audio drama shares with us his journey and how the saints have brought him a new purpose.

What Former Occultists Want You To Know

August 2, 2023
With over 70% of Americans practicing new age and occultist practices, we are in need of a better understanding of why this is happening and how the Church is the only institution that can bring deliverance from this disaster. In this episode, we speak with Charles Fraune, who has just completed the most extensive dive into the occult, interviewing former Satanists, witches, and new-agers to unearth why almost 3 out of 4 Americans (including our Catholic brothers and sisters) are actively falling for demonic lies in the new age.

An Angry Policeman, Addictions, and Demonic Oppression

July 25, 2023
In this episode, we speak with Jordan Burke, a former policeman, who in seeking justice fell into bitterness, resentment, and anger. This propelled him into addictions, the loss of his daughter, and the realization that his life was unhinged. His powerful conversion story brings up conversations of God's mercy, physical healing, spiritual healing, and the pathway forward as a better man. We discuss doing the harder thing no matter the cost.

10 Years of The Catholic Gentleman

July 19, 2023
A lot has changed in the last 10 years. A lot. However, here at the Catholic Gentleman, while we have advanced to combat the ways men are being formed by the world, we have kept the goal of our mission the same. Be a Man. Be a Saint. In celebration of our 10 year anniversary, we are offering an exclusive sale and discussing the ways the world has advanced and how The Catholic Gentleman has survived and will always be there to accurately guide men to Christ and His Church. It has been 10 years, and we look forward to what God will provide in the next 10 Years!

The Power of Praying the Rosary Daily (w/ Fr. Gregory Pine)

July 12, 2023
It has been called the sword of the spiritual life. It can be a cornerstone and pillar of the family. We are discussing the Rosary today and 5 reasons, as well as a lot of practical advice, as to why men should pray the Rosary daily. Fr. Gregory Pine walks us through his life with the Rosary and the multiple truths contained within this powerful devotion. You are sure to gain insights and fuel for staying true to praying the Rosary daily.

Overcoming Fear and Confusion with Grit (w/ Dr. Andrew Swafford)

July 5, 2023
In life we all face hardships, fear of the unknown, and the temptation to choose a lesser good depending on the circumstances. Sam and John are joined by Dr. Andrew Swafford to discuss how to handle these situations and how to do so with an unwavering sense of purpose. Dr. Swafford explains how by seeing your life as a Gift and having the right amount of Grit, you can handle these difficulties with peace and even joy. This is truly an enjoyable conversation.

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