A Call to Defend Eve

January 9, 2015
Imagine Adam and Eve, in perfect joy walking in the Garden of Eden; the very Paradise created especially for their enjoyment.  Everything they needed was there; everything, including freedom.  The freedom to choose right or wrong; the freedom to disobey their Father.  Any parent understands this bittersweet gift. Along slithers the slimy serpent, who takes […]

Sword and Serpent: An Interview with Dr. Taylor Marshall

January 7, 2015
If there’s a modern renaissance man, it’s Dr. Taylor Marshall. He’s the founder of the wildly successful New Saint Thomas Institute, the founder of the Catholic organization the Troops of St. George, a professor, a best-selling author, a popular blogger, an in-demand speaker, a gentleman extraordinaire, and a P.h. D in Philosophy, among other things. Oh yeah, he’s […]

Relentless Forward Progress: What running 100 miles taught me about the spiritual life

January 5, 2015
Whenever someone finds out I’ve run a 100 mile race, they usually ask two questions; “why?” and “how?” The first question is hard, if not impossible, to answer. If it isn’t immediately obvious why someone would want to do this, then I probably won’t be able to explain. For most people who run these things, […]

Resolutions, Failures, and the New Year

December 31, 2014
“Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set out to remedying them. Every day begin the task anew.” -St. Francis de Sales If you’re anything like me, you have a love-hate relationship with New Year’s resolutions. Oh, you like the […]

Thou Shalt Take it Easy: 7 Reasons to Embrace Sunday Rest

December 29, 2014
Recently, my wife and I were at a Catholic thrift store we frequent, and posted prominently by the entrance was a large sign announcing that beginning in January, the store would now be open on Sundays. The sign explained that Sunday used to be a special day for family, for worship, and for rest—but it […]

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