Go to Confession!

August 21, 2013
“If there is a heavenly idea in the Catholic Church, surely, next after the Blessed Sacrament, Confession is such.”  -Blessed John Henry Newman Confession is one of my favorite sacraments, and I try to go as often as I can. But this wasn’t always the case. I am a convert, and I still remember the awkwardness […]

The Cardinal Virtues: Justice

August 19, 2013
Today, we continue our series on the Cardinal Virtues. For the first post on prudence, see here. As the virtues go, justice isn’t the most popular—we would much rather hear about mercy or pardon, at least in regard to ourselves. And yet, justice is one of the most important virtues a man can possess. There […]

The First Battle of the Day

August 17, 2013
First thing in the morning, we are faced with a battle. Our alarm goes off, and we have a choice—we can either hit snooze or get out of bed immediately. I have a confession to make: For most of my life, I have hit the snooze button and dozed off again. Sometimes I have even done this […]

St. Maximilian Kolbe on Serious Sin

August 14, 2013
Have you ever struggled with a grave sin? I mean something really serious. You want with all your heart to break this sin’s power in your life, but no matter how hard you struggle and pray, you just keep falling into it. You are constantly feeling guilty, and the guilt keeps you from approaching Our Lord […]

Pipe Smoking 101

August 12, 2013
There’s nothing quite as enjoyable as a good pipe—the sweet scent, the smoke rising in gentle clouds, the feel of finely crafted briar in your hand. Then add a good conversation with another man, or even just gazing into space while sitting on your front porch, and you get a wonderful, time-honored, and manly hobby. Since starting this blog, I […]

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