
How Are You Bringing Worth to Others? The Gift of Self

April 17, 2024
One of the benefits of enjoying a Christian life is the contemplation prayer brings. It is critical to set aside time for daily reflection and prayer and bring clarity to our purpose in this life – to glorify God in all we do.

Andrew Tate and the Destruction of Men

April 10, 2024
Today we respond to an image of masculinity that has been adopted and admired by millions of men today but is toxic to their lives as well as society. Andrew Tate has gained billions of views and created an online program called Hustler's University that brought in over 150,000 men paying to learn how to become millionaires and get women. John and Devin are joined by a phenomenal guest and professional martial arts instructor, Jim O'Day, to discuss how this version of masculinity destroys men's lives and keeps them trapped in boyhood. In addition, we also answer a listener's question about dating a non-Catholic and what advice we have for him. We discuss man's need for temptation and how Satan gains entrance into our lives. We unpack why you need to know the tactics of Satan, how understanding this can provide clarity in your lives, and how you can be battle-ready to protect yourself against his attacks.

Taking the Risk of Faith

April 10, 2024
Whether it is starting your own business, getting engaged, pursuing your dream career, getting a great education, or achieving athletic greatness, if you don’t take a risk you don’t take the prize.

This One Thing Makes a Great Father

April 3, 2024
Our society is a mess, and when you get down to the quick of it, you find the crisis of men not living their lives as good fathers. It's a sad truth that many in our society struggle to comprehend what it truly means to be a good father, let alone how to live as one. Today we discuss the one thing that makes a great father. This one thing is crucial for all men to know, not just fathers, because in understanding this you can start living your life in reality. We go into practical ways that this truth plays out in the relationship between fathers and their children and the consequences when it is ignored. In addition, we also answer a listener's question about dating a non-Catholic and what advice we have for him. We discuss man's need for temptation and how Satan gains entrance into our lives. We unpack why you need to know the tactics of Satan, how understanding this can provide clarity in your lives, and how you can be battle-ready to protect yourself against his attacks.

Fatherhood and the Rise of Pornography

April 3, 2024
God wants all men to be strong leaders, providers, and protectors. By recognizing our wounds and turning to God, and professionals when needed, the attachment wounds that fuel addiction can be healed!

Two Devastating Ways NOT to Deal with Sin

March 27, 2024
We hear a lot about the Good News today, but we do not hear much about the bad news. However, as Peter Kreeft has stated, without the bad news, the good news is meaningless. Sin is not spoken of frequently enough, glossed over, and sometimes outright ignored. We all know that the secular world champions vice and acts as if it is virtue, and while this complete reversal might not affect you totally, it likely has lessened the degree to which you despise sin in your life. Today we go into sin, what it is, what it is not, and two devastating ways that men often deal with sin in their lives. As we look to Christ on the Cross, it is necessary to understand how our sin has put him there and the mercy that is available to us.Today we discuss a great plan to not only improve and become like Christ this Lent, but also a strategy to continue as a new man this Easter and beyond. We discuss man's need for temptation and how Satan gains entrance into our lives. We unpack why you need to know the tactics of Satan, how understanding this can provide clarity in your lives, and how you can be battle-ready to protect yourself against his attacks.

Your Life’s Power Plan: 8 Essential Pillars

March 20, 2024
In the grand theme of life, we are called to be great men. Throughout our journey, we encounter individuals of deep character and integrity, men who have realized their fullest potential. When we encounter such individuals, we aspire to emulate their virtues, desiring a life that mirrors their example. Yet, when we turn our gaze inward and reflect on our own lives amidst the constant struggle and the haze of uncertainty, grappling with our shortcomings and lack of motivation, we can easily succumb to discouragement and complacency. Today's episode unveils 8 pillars of strength and virtue, each building off the other to order your life to become the man you were created to be - a man of greatness.Learn about these 4 enemies and how to apply the practices we discuss. In addition, today we get to answer a question from a listener who asks about balancing his pursuit of a high-performance professional job and raising a family. Today we discuss a great plan to not only improve and become like Christ this Lent, but also a strategy to continue as a new man this Easter and beyond. We discuss man's need for temptation and how Satan gains entrance into our lives. We unpack why you need to know the tactics of Satan, how understanding this can provide clarity in your lives, and how you can be battle-ready to protect yourself against his attacks.

Miscarriage, Child Loss, and the Grief of Fathers

March 18, 2024
Today we sit down with Patrick O'Hearn and Bryan Feger, co-authors of "The Grief of Dads: Support and Hope for Catholic Fathers Navigating Child Loss." to discuss the loss of a child and the lasting effects it has on men. Drawing from their personal experiences of enduring multiple miscarriages, Patrick and Bryan offer a poignant exploration of the often-overlooked grief experienced by fathers in the wake of child loss. In this heartfelt conversation, they delve into the emotional, physical, and spiritual journey of fathers navigating miscarriage, stillbirth, and the loss of a child of any age, shedding light on the unique challenges they face and the support they need. If you have experienced this loss, you have our prayers, if you know someone that has, please share this episode with them.Today we discuss a great plan to not only improve and become like Christ this Lent, but also a strategy to continue as a new man this Easter and beyond. We discuss man's need for temptation and how Satan gains entrance into our lives. We unpack why you need to know the tactics of Satan, how understanding this can provide clarity in your lives, and how you can be battle-ready to protect yourself against his attacks.

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