Category: Saints
God is an Artist
May 22, 2015
Why do Catholics honor the saints? Because God is an artist, and the Church is his masterpiece. Catholics do not honor the saints because they forget to worship God. They honor the saints because these are the saints in whom God has brought glory to himself. If you want to make much of an artist, […]
5 Reasons Every Man Should Love St. Joseph
February 16, 2015
St. Joseph often slips under the radar because of his quiet demeanor and hidden life. However, he has much to teach us about growing in holiness. Here are 5 reasons to discover St. Joseph. 1. He is the Patron Saint of Workers. As men work takes up a great portion of our lives. Often we struggle to […]
20 Images that Prove St. John Paul II was the Coolest Saint Ever
October 22, 2014
Pope St. John Paul II was an extraordinary man. He traveled to more countries than any other pope. He helped bring communism to its knees. He was shot and lived to tell about it. He suffered a debilitating disease heroically. He inspired millions around the globe to pursue Jesus Christ and strive for holiness. And much, […]
Why God Chose St. Francis
October 4, 2013
St Francis once was living at the Convent of the Portiuncula, with Brother Masseo of Marignano, a man of great sanctity and great discernment, who held frequent converse with God; for which reason St Francis loved him much. One day, as St Francis was returning from the forest, where he had been in prayer, the […]
What we can learn from St. Francis
October 4, 2013
Today is the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, a saint I have grown to love in recent days. My devotion to this saint began when I was at a used book store and noticed a small green volume tucked away in the religion section called, “The Little Flowers of St. Francis.” The title really […]
Gentleman Saint: St. Louis IX, King of France
August 25, 2013
One of the most fascinating things about the saints is how different they are. Some were wealthy nobleman, others were poor peasants, others were doctors, lawyers, or soldiers. There is a saint from almost every state in life. The one thing they all have in common is holiness—an intense love for God that inspired great […]
Gentleman Saint: St. Francis de Sales
July 19, 2013
Saints are anything but boring. Some levitated, bilocated, and saw visions of heaven and hell. Others served the poor, reformed the Church, converted foreign countries, or otherwise lived heroic lives without performing a single miracle. And some were gentleman saints, exemplifying the virtues of manliness in a unique way. St. Francis de Sales is the […]
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