Category: Prayer
Our Lady of Victory: What the Rosary Can Do For Us Today
October 7, 2019
One day, through the Rosary and the Scapular, Our Lady will save the world. St. Dominic On a pleasant afternoon in the spring of 2008, I was praying in my room in New York. It had been less than a full year since I was baptized as a Christian. It would be another four years […]
5 Ways to Live Like a Monk (Without Actually Being One)
June 21, 2019
by Fr. Paul Sheller, OSB, Vocation Director, Conception Abbey 1. Cultivate Silence St. Benedict wrote, “Speaking and teaching are the master’s task; the disciple is to be silent and listen” (RB 6:8). Silence is the environment that allows you to listen to God’s voice and the voices of those around you properly. Many people are […]
Is it Okay to Meditate as a Catholic?
February 26, 2019
With the rise of Headspace, Calm, and all of the other mindfulness meditation apps, those of us coming from a Christian background can have a lot of very good questions: are these methods okay to use? Are they bad or evil? Are they Buddhist? Are they in line with Church teaching? I, myself, was an […]
The Remedy of Silence
November 21, 2018
Almost everything about life in the modern world encourages a certain shallowness—shallowness in relationships, in thought, and in interior reflection of any sort. From morning until night, we are assaulted by a stream of images and impressions, many of which are seeking to manipulate us for certain ends. Quantity is valued over quality, and if we […]
A Call to Catholic Men: Join in Prayer and Sacrifice for the Church
November 16, 2018
Anyone who has been halfway paying attention will know that the Church is facing a serious crisis—one fueled by sexual scandals, financial corruption, and increasing doctrinal confusion. It’s a crisis of more than just policy too. The utter failure of many in the hierarchy to faithfully teach and proclaim the most basic tenets of the […]
Relics and the Gritty Faith of the Early Church
September 13, 2018
At the northern tip of Via Giulia in Rome, you’ll find the church of San Giovanni dei Fiorentini. The large dome that crowns this church is one of many that accent the Roman skyline. San Giovanni dei Fiorentini If it’s hot, airy churches like San Giovanni provide the weary pilgrim with a spiritual and physical […]
Americans: Join Us in Prayer for Our Nation
July 4, 2018
“Let us always keep before our eyes the fact that here on earth we are on a battlefield and that in paradise we shall receive the crown of victory.” – Padre Pio All great saints and holy teachers of the faith testify that the spiritual life is a continual warfare against three enemies: the world, the […]
Neo-Paganism and Catholic Mystery
June 21, 2018
I recently visited the website of a popular company that sells products like deodorant and toothpaste with natural ingredients. Curious to learn more about the business, I visited their blog which was purportedly about the latest trends in health and wellness. What greeted me was not what I expected. Rather than tips on exercise or […]
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