Strategies for Spiritual Warfare
May 1, 2024
The best way to engage in spiritual warfare, therefore, is not to pray against the evil directly but to pray for what is positive. The best way to counter all that is ugly, evil, and false is to support all that is beautiful, good, and true
How Are You Bringing Worth to Others? The Gift of Self
April 17, 2024
One of the benefits of enjoying a Christian life is the contemplation prayer brings. It is critical to set aside time for daily reflection and prayer and bring clarity to our purpose in this life – to glorify God in all we do.
Taking the Risk of Faith
April 10, 2024
Whether it is starting your own business, getting engaged, pursuing your dream career, getting a great education, or achieving athletic greatness, if you don’t take a risk you don’t take the prize.
Fatherhood and the Rise of Pornography
April 3, 2024
God wants all men to be strong leaders, providers, and protectors. By recognizing our wounds and turning to God, and professionals when needed, the attachment wounds that fuel addiction can be healed!
Selfless Self-Preservation
March 13, 2024
Temperance is also more than “moderation in all things.” Plenty of things don’t need moderating – like love and goodness. Temperance is not just balancing ourselves between extremes, or keeping mild instead of intense.
Leisure: The Basis of Manliness
March 6, 2024
Leisure, not work, is at the core of manliness, because leisure helps us see and love, because it stops from activity to “behold” – to hold a thing before us and consider, ponder, and wonder at it.
8 Ways to Put the Fear of God in Your Children
February 21, 2024
A man’s concept of God shapes the most significant aspects of who he is. At the same time, the idea a man has of God is usually not chosen – he learns it by observing the manner in which other men he respects relate to God.
What is a Man of Faith?
February 13, 2024
‘Belief’ is for children, says modern man. To ‘believe’ is cute, like ‘make believing’, but the mature person has no space for ‘belief’ in the strict sense. Because the strict sense entails that one has not actually seen the thing that is being believed.
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