Modesty Is for Men Too
January 24, 2024
Clothes should focus us on our dignity. Clothes direct people to our faces and therefore foster personal relationships. Clothes have a moral, not just a practical purpose. A good question for dress, then, is whether it is “personal” or objectifies us.
Boundaries – 5 Tips to Maintain Chastity
January 10, 2024
Avoiding pornography requires a person to set clear boundaries with people, places, things, technology, and situations that might lead him to return to pornography use.
Why Beauty Hurts
January 3, 2024
The experience of beauty brings joy and delight because, for a brief moment, something that feels complete touches our life. Every encounter with beauty is both a promise that fulfillment is possible and a taste of what it might be like.
A Call for Renewal in the Church
December 22, 2023
Something is not right. Many of us feel something is missing from our lives. We long for a fresh start, a way of breaking out of our bad habits, and a path to living a more meaningful life. We’re oversaturated with technology. Our minds are distracted, our desires distorted, and we’re disconnected from others. But the truth is, we don't have to surrender to mediocrity. This January 1st, we can do something to make a lasting change.
Kid Catholics
December 14, 2023
Humanity was created to grow toward virtue, which is nothing but the maturity of man’s created nature supported by grace. Being a “better Christian” in Sacred Scripture has little to do with what we might call enthusiasm; it is called maturity.
Fathers, Bless Your Wives & Children
November 21, 2023
Children learn about their heavenly Father from their earthly fathers. Fathers should be the head of the family, strong leaders, faithful to their wives, and have a guiding hand in disciplining their children
The Problem Behind The Problem Of Video Games
November 15, 2023
Games give the sense of achievement and identity that traditional rites of passage would have done. And this is why the insecurity in their reactions is so palpable – you’re attacking who they are, not just what they do.
Why Catholic Worship Appeals to Men
November 8, 2023
When well-meaning liturgists and priests feel they have to make everything in the liturgy emotionally relevant and “meaningful” to everyone, many men switch off. When Father Fabulous insists on being emotionally entertaining in the liturgy he is likely to please the women while the fellas roll their eyes.
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