Category: Faith
Honor Your Father and Mother: The Importance of Tradition Today
March 28, 2019
A common trope in popular films is a character who loses his memory and has to rediscover the truth about who he is. These films can be big budget action thrillers, dramas about aging, or cheesy chick flicks. But regardless of the genre, these films are compelling because they reflect the fact that losing one’s […]
Relics and the Gritty Faith of the Early Church
September 13, 2018
At the northern tip of Via Giulia in Rome, you’ll find the church of San Giovanni dei Fiorentini. The large dome that crowns this church is one of many that accent the Roman skyline. San Giovanni dei Fiorentini If it’s hot, airy churches like San Giovanni provide the weary pilgrim with a spiritual and physical […]
Works, Faith, and the Paradox of Grace
June 5, 2018
One of the most paradoxical aspects of the spiritual life is the tension between human effort and Divine generosity. That is, the question of whether we are saved by what we do or by what God does. Confusion arises because we are quite clearly told in scripture that we must do certain things. We must forgive or […]
The Future of the Church
May 9, 2018
The late 1960s were a time of social, political, and religious upheaval. Revolution was in the air and threatening all the most time-honored traditions and institutions. Then, as now, many were uncertain about the future of the Church. How could the Catholic faith hope to survive in an increasingly secularized world? What would the future […]
7 Ways to Glorify God with Your Body
April 2, 2018
God, in His infinite love, has endowed each and every one of us with a body and a soul. How great God is in His wonderful gifts to humanity and to each and every one of us individually! The Psalmist praises God: God I am wonderfully created… I am your handiwork… I am the work of […]
A Little Church: 10 Tips to Strengthen Your Catholic Home
October 2, 2017
Opening our eyes, we can see that the family in serious crisis. This being the case, as followers of Christ and defenders of the Domestic Church—the family—let us launch a concerted effort to save our children, save our young, by the means of saving our families. Pessimism, cynicism, and skepticism must not reign in our hearts, but […]
A Vow of Stability: A Call to Commitment in an Age of Choice
May 15, 2017
Recently, while traveling for business, I was tired after a long day and so began scrolling through the channels on the hotel television. Because there was next to nothing worth watching on the hundreds of channels available, I finally settled on a mildly interesting house hunting show. If you haven’t seen this kind of show, […]
Wholeness, Happiness, and the Difference Between Knowledge and Wisdom
May 4, 2017
A friend recently remarked that it’s those that gather and control data that own the future. I understand what he meant (I think), but, if we dig a bit, I suspect we would doubt that the data-controllers of the day, however intelligent they are, have what we would call wisdom. Education today is ordered toward […]
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