Category: Faith
Faith of our Fathers: Why Tradition Matters
August 1, 2016
One of the most painful faculties for a person to lose is memory. This is one reason why diseases like Alzheimers are so tragic. When a person loses his or her memory, it is almost as if they have ceased to exist both to themselves and those around them. There are few things more painful than […]
Why Do So Many Millennials Become Catholic?
January 20, 2016
Why do so many millennials become Catholic? It’s not because they’re hipper than thou, and it’s certainly not because they’re holier. Michelangelo’s writhing, unfinished statues of slaves, struggling in their prisons of stone, are a picture of millennial converts to Catholicism: broken and banished from Eden, stuck in the fallen flesh of Adam, yet baptized […]
Radical Catholics
September 7, 2015
Do you want to be a radical Catholic? Maybe you do, maybe you don’t. After all, the word radical can be a good or bad depending on the context. Sometimes it carries connotations of passionate commitment or admirable zeal. Other times, it can mean fanatical, freakish, or even dangerous devotion to a cause. But I would […]
How Fathers and Families Can Save Youth Ministry from Itself
June 4, 2015
Man is formed by two main things: family and Church. God made the family at creation and made the Church at the re-creation through Christ. One we inherit at birth and the other we inherit at our second birth (baptism). What has happened in recent decades, however, is the unprecedented breakdown in both of those […]
Hold Fast: 4 Ways to Survive the Cultural Storm
May 26, 2015
The world has gone mad. Unchecked by the free world, ISIS is spreading rapidly throughout the Middle East, and they have already made their presence known in Europe and here in the U.S. They have their sights set on the Vatican and the destruction of what remains of Christendom. Meanwhile, Ireland, one of the most traditionally […]
I’m Just Like You, Daddy
January 13, 2015
“I’m just like you, Daddy,” says my little boy Peter to me one day, looking up at me with luminous eyes, as if being like Daddy were the greatest achievement possible. I had just put on my tie for Mass, and Peter had too. We looked surprisingly similar, a fact that brought great happiness to […]
The Top 10 Reasons to be a Catholic Man
September 10, 2014
The following is a guest post by Matthew Christoff of The New Emangelization. In the post-modern “anything goes and nothing means anything” world, men are lost, not knowing what to believe or what to do. Seduced into pursuing their own selfish passions, post-modern men are manipulated like C.S. Lewis predicted they would be: “men without chests”, […]
The Three Munera, Part 1: The Father as Prophet
July 7, 2014
In the introduction to this series, I wrote about how each father is entrusted with three duties, or munera in Latin, and that these three duties are modeled by Christ himself. While traditionally associated with the ordained priesthood, these duties just as much apply to the fathers of families, who also share in a priestly role, albeit […]
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